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Vanessa was buried on a surprisingly warm February day. Usnavi was surrounded by family and friends. The day after Vanessa was buried, Usnavi found that Dani had joined Vanessa and Carla.
With two huge loses, back to back, it took Lucia a little time to be okay again. Lucia fell into a deep depression, and ended up checking herself into a psychiatric hospital for a couple of weeks. When she came back, she was able to get back to being the mommy Lilly needed.
When Lilly was 12, Lucia met a wonderful man named Luis. They married a year later, and Lucia gave birth to a son, a year after that. They named their son Lin. Lucia and Luis were married for 50 years.
Daniella was heartbroken about her Mama and Abuelita, but she was happy to see her mom no longer had to struggle. Daniella and Camilo were married another twenty years, when Camilo developed cancer like his father. Camilo died at the age of 51.
As for Usnavi, he was never quite the same after he lost Vanessa. He was still an amazing father and grandfather, but everyone could see the spark in him missing. Usnavi lived to the age of 80. He had a stroke earlier that week. He was surrounded by his family when he passed. The last word he spoke was "Vanessa."

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