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Vanessa age 47
Lucia is 18 today. She is a senior this year. She is head of her debate team and a honor student. She now has a guide dog. Due to cost and training time, she didn't receive her dog until she was 15. It is a golden retriever and has helped her give her greater sense independence. She named him Vivo, because she says he gave her, her own life.
"Mama, I need to take Vivo for a walk."
"Okay Mija. Be safe. You have your phone, right?"
"Yes Mama."
"Don't roll your eyes at me little girl." I smirk.
She laughs. "Yes Mama." She walks over, touches my face, and kisses my head. "Love you Mama."
"Love you to Lucia. Your Abuela and Abuelita will be here in half an hour so make sure you set your alarm."
Lucia smiles and nods.

About ten minutes later, I get a call. I look and see that it is Mamí."
"Hey Mamí, is everything okay?"
"Mamí, what's wrong?"
"It's Dani. Something is wrong. She can't catch her breath and her chest hurts."
I am halfway down the hall when Mamí finishes her sentence.
"Mama! Mamí!"
"In here."
I run into the kitchen, seeing Mama pale and short of breath. She is sitting on the floor, hand on her chest.
"Mama! Are you okay?" I run over, and take her hand. She looks at me, and forces a smile. I can see the tinge of fear in her eyes.
"Yes honey. Just short of breath."
"Does your chest feel tight?"
She nods. "Yeah, a little."
"I'm calling 911."
I call them and explain Mama's symptoms. They recommend she takes an aspirin because it sounds like she is having a heart attack.

The ambulance arrives five minutes later. As I follow Mama and Mamí out to the ambulance, I see Lucia walk up the sidewalk.
"Mama, is that an ambulance I hear? What is going on?"
"They are taking your abuelita to the hospital."
"What! Is she okay?"
"I don't know yet honey. They think she has had a heart attack. I was just about to call you and come find you. I am headed to the hospital. I knew you would want to come."
"Yes, let's go! I need my jacket though. I am cold."
"Do you want me to go get it? I need my purse anyways."
Lucia nods. I run up the stairs, grab our stuff, and run back down. In the cab, I call Usnavi. He and Daniel are going to meet us there. I look over to Lucia, and see the tears rolling down her face.
"Honey, come here. Abuelita will be okay." I wrap my arms around her and she lays her head on my shoulder.
"I don't want to lose Abuelita. She is my best friend."
"I know honey. It didn't seem that severe. She was alert and talking when the paramedics arrived. She was even argumentative with me and your Abuela."
Lucia nods but lets more tears fall.
Vivo notices Lucia's tears, and licks her face.
"See, even Vivo agrees."

When we get to the hospital, I see Mamí sitting in the waiting room, leg bouncing.
"Vanessa!" She runs to us.
"How is Mama?"
"I don't know. They took her back to surgery. She passed out just as we got here. They wouldn't let me stay with her."
I hug Mamí. She is shaking, but is outwardly calm.
"She will be okay Mamí."
Mamí, Lucia, and I all sit down and wait. None of us want to talk.

After three hours, we are still waiting in the waiting room. Usnavi and Daniel arrived two hours ago. Usnavi is holding my hand as we wait while Daniel holds a very scared Lucia.
Mamí was taken back to talk to the doctor about half an hour ago. Finally, I see her walk out, looking relieved.
"Dani is okay. She did have a heart attack. They were able to clear the blockage."
"Where is Abuelita?"
"Come on guys. I will take you guys to her."
Mamí takes Lucia by the arm, and we follow.
"Right here honey." Mama says.
Lucia runs to her and sits on the bed. Mama takes her hand and kisses it.
"I am okay baby. I promise. I am okay."
Mama wipes Lucia's tears and pulls her into her. Lucia hugs her grandma tight. She lays her head on Mama's shoulder and cries.
"Shh, I am okay baby. I promise you that I am okay." She laughs a little and holds Lucia close.
I walk up, kiss Mama on the head, and rub Lucia's back.
"How are you feeling Mama?"
"Okay. The surgery was minimally invasive, the doctor says. I say it was rather invasive considering they stuck it in through my groin."
"Abuelita, TMI!" Daniel says grimacing.
She laughs and takes his hand. "Sorry."
As we talk, my stomach lets out a large growl.
"Are you hungry Mama?" Lucia asks smiling.
"A little. We missed our lunch."
"That's right! Today is your birthday." Mama says, talking to Lucia."
"I'm not worried about my birthday. I'm worried about you."
"I promise you honey, I'm going to be just fine."
"Hey, since we can't have the party at home, why don't we order some takeout and celebrate here. It is your eighteenth birthday." I tell them.
"Doctor says no food for me right now, but I love that idea. I can have your Abuela run home and get your birthday gift."
"I'll go Mama. Usnavi and I have a couple of things we need from home. Daniel and Lucia can stay here with you."
"Thanks Mija," Mamí says, looking relieved.
Usnavi takes my hand and we walk outside. Once outside, he has to scoop me in his arms and holds me. I break down and cry, the fear of the last few hours finally hitting me.
"Hey, hey, hey. Your mama is okay. No need to cry."
"I was so scared. I am not ready to lose my mom."
"I know Amor. No one is ever ready to lose their parents. I won't say it will never happen, because it will. When is does eventually happen, hopefully in a long time, I am here for you. I am always here for you."
"Thank you Usnavi," I say, sniffing. I kiss him and he hugs me tight to him.
We go home and get the gifts. We then stop and get some Chinese takeout and head back. Lucia ends up enjoying her hospital birthday party.

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