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You sat impatiently at the bus stop waiting for your bus to come, and when it finally did, you could tell it was packed. Usually, you'd go to the back of the bus to sit at the very back seats which were the highest, and most comfortable.

But nope, you were basically squished next to the opening door. You looked around, having no idea who anyone was. You did know they all wore the same uniform as you though, so you guessed this would become a regular thing from now on.

Being squished next to a door on a shitty public transit bus.

Luckily, the ride wasn't long, your new school only being about 5 stops from your home.

You got off the bus, being happy you were the first off and didn't have to push through the crowd like the poor girls at the back.

You looked at the school on the maps, but wow, it looked so much bigger in person.

Since it was a coed high school, there was probably going to be twice the amount of students at this new school because of the fact that boys went here as well.

You just hoped you wouldn't get lost in the halls, walking in on the wrong classroom wouldn't be a good start to a new reputation.

You held your schedule in hand as you walked through the front doors, watching as the flow of traffic all flow into one direction.

They were probably all going to the cafeteria for breakfast before school started, but you wanted to get a head start on your classes.

First class was biology on the fourth floor... holy shit, four floors? If you were confident you weren't going to get lost beforehand, you definitely weren't too confident now.

You walked around the fourth floor, realizing every single room were science labs. One being for chemistry, biology and physics for every grade.

You found the room with the number 407 before peeking your head inside. No one was there, but you did admire the big classroom. Much bigger than your old schools'.

You then placed your bag on the floor, waiting by the lockers next to your first period classroom.

You had 5 minutes before the bell rang, so you popped in some headphones and played whatever playlist you were listening to last. You didn't care what you listened to, as long as you focused on something other than your nerves, you didn't care.

"Uh.." a boy said as you took your headphone out of your ear, not knowing if he was talking to you or not.

You turned to him, him staring directly at you. Yep, he was talking to you.

"My locker?" He asked pointing to where you were standing.

"Oh, sorry." You said, moving out of the way as he twirled his lock around counter clockwise.

He opened his locker fairly quickly, grabbing onto his biology text book and closing his locker.

"Why're you standing here?" He asked, clearly knowing you weren't in any of his classes, so you shouldn't be standing in front of it.

"I'm new... I've got biology first period." You said as you pointed towards the classroom right next to his locker.

"Guess you're in my class then. Might want to switch out of this class when you can, the teacher is a pain in the ass." He said as he walked into the class, placing his books on one of the furthest back tables in the lab.

"Wait, why, is she strict?" You asked, following the boy into the class, not knowing if you were even allowed to enter class before everyone else.

"No, just loud." He said as you assumed he was just annoyed that a teacher could be an extrovert.

"What's your name?" You asked as he pat down his buzz cut grey hair

"Armin." He responded, opening his textbook which had a half filled page in it.

"I didn't finish my homework. Want to help me with it?" He asked as you went to grab a seat next to him, looking at his textbook.

"Oh god, molecular genetics? I'm smart, but I'm not science nerd smart." You told him honestly as he tapped his pencil on the side of his chin.

"Me neither." He said before placing his pencil down and looking at you.

"Are you new new, like you know absolutely no one at this school?" Armin asked as you thought for a moment.

"I know a couple of people from here that I'm mutuals on instagram with, but realistically, no." You replied as he pulled out his phone, placing it close to you.

"Do you mind?" He asked as you looked at his screen which was on the search bar of instagram. You typed in your account username before adding yourself, going onto your phone and adding him back.

"Text me if you need any help getting around the school. I've been here since freshman year so I know everything." He offered help as you smiled.

"Thanks Armin." You smiled before hearing the bell ring. You looked towards the speaker, noticing the bell lasted a good 10 seconds.

"I've already got a lab partner, so you might have to wait for professor Hanji to assign you a seat and lab partner." He advised as you nodded, watching as others began entering the classroom, totally ignoring you and going to their seats. Many of them looked sleep deprived, so you didn't blame them. They probably had no idea you were there at all.

But your invisibility didn't last long. Once every single student sat at their assigned lab table, you clearly stood out awkwardly standing at the side of your classroom.

"Excuse me, are you in the wrong class?" A girl asked as you had to look down at her. She was short, cute looking as well.

"I'm new." You responded as she looked up at you with wide eyes.

"New student in senior year? You don't see a lot of those." She said before sitting on the chair closest to you.

That was her seat.

"Long story" you said with a slight awkward giggle.

"I'll take you up on that." She replied before an older woman with glasses walked into the class.

"Goooodmorning everyone!" The woman said as she rushed to the front of the class.

"OOH! Almost forgot. We've got a new student!" Hanji exclaimed as she looked right at you.

No. No. No.
Do NOT Point me out to the class

"(Y/n), don't be shy, come up here." She boasted.


New love (Reiner x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant