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The smile on your face grew large as the game had ended, everyone out of the seats and cheering for the team.

You could see Reiner pull off his helmet as his team huddled around him, slapping his shoulders and cheering to each other.

But Reiner continued to look at you as Falco held the rest of the boys back, giving Reiner the chance to get some space and walk towards you.

The cheerleaders all watched you as you didn't cheer, but just stood and watched Reiner from afar.

Sasha looked at Reiner before pointing at you and motioning a heart. You couldn't see what anyone was doing around you. In fact, the loud screams and cheers escaped your ears totally. All you could hear was your heart beating in your chest. He won. The game he was looking forward for so much, he had just won by making the final touchdown.

You dropped your pom poms gently on the floor before leaving your team, walking towards Reiner with a smile.

Your friends on the cheerleading team watched from afar as you and Reiner walked towards each other before stopping as you were really close to each other.

You had to tilt your head up to see his eyes.

"Who would've known. Amazing." He said as a blush rose to your face.

"You were more amazing! I've never actually seen a live football game before." You said as Reiner placed his helmet on the floor before slicking his wet hair back.

He must be sweating like crazy in his uniform.

"Eh it's nothing." He brushed it off as you began to giggle.

"Hey, I'm sorry I've been distant all this time." You apologized as Reiner gave you a gentle look.

"Don't be sorry. You were busy with cheerleading and studying, right? Trust me, seeing you cheering for the team made up for all those times we couldn't hang out." He said as you smiled.

"Anyways, why did you join the team?" He asked in confusion. He knew you weren't much of a dancer, or even liked gymnastics or anything of the sort.

"On New Years night, I made my New Years resolution to be your cheerleader. I might've taken that a little too literally." You smiled as both you and Reiner looked like stupid kids nervous to say anything.

"So were you cheering for the team, or for me?" Reiner smirked a little, as you pretended to fake punch him.

"We both know the answer to that." You replied as Reiner looked down at you. Even though Reiner never really smiled, the little curves to his lips that make it look like he's attempting to smile warmed your heart.

"I like you Reiner. I like you like you. Ever since you bumped into me and smashed my phone." You admitted.

"I like you too, isn't that obvious?" He responded as he leant down closer to your face.

"Can I kiss you this time?" He asked as you nodded gently.

He calmly leant down and pressed his lips against yours, you putting your hands on his shoulders as he placed his hands around your hips.

You heard the football team cheer around both you and Reiner as the cheer team's voices became more noticeable cheering coming from the distance to cheer for you as well.

Reiner held you close, having his arms slip from your waist to your back as you held onto his neck gently, kissing him with slight tongue. Who would've known Reiner was a good kisser?

Both Reiner and you softly parted lips as you looked at each other.

You turned to everyone around you who were watching in awe. This wasn't some high school romance movie. It felt like one though.

New love (Reiner x reader)Where stories live. Discover now