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You had no idea why you were so worried about exams. You passed them with flying colours and so did Reiner.

You moved out of your dorm, saying goodbye to the now senior Isabella, while you rented a nearby apartment with fellow students in the same major as you.

You went home with Reiner every Holliday, and spent Christmas with your family combined with Reiners for the first time.

You also spent Valentine's Day together, since it was on a weekend this year rather than not seeing each other in person on Valentine's Day like what happened last year, when it was on a Friday.

Your grades were up, and you had no doubt you'd want to switch majors. You knew what you wanted to do.

Reiner became co-captain his second year, and his team did better that year than the previous.

He'd always be tired, but when you went over to his dorm, you made sure he had his energy up.

Since you rented out a house with friends, you each had your own rooms unlike first year when you had to share it with Isabel. The rooms were more private, which was the exact reason why Reiner came over to your place.

After having sex with Reiner that day, it was like you were desperate for the feeling again. You saw Reiner in person once every week, on the weekends, while you still FaceTimed every day.

So out of those four times he would see you a month, one was just you and Reiner fooling around in your room.

Your third year continued the same. Isabel got her masters and you had a party with her and her friends who also got their degrees.

Reiner became captain of his universities football team, constantly telling you to come to his games for support, like old times.

You did, but high school football was nothing like university football. Everyone was more rough, taller, and professional. The coach was more strict and Reiner set the team in line.

He won the first game you went to watch, and he took you out later that night for a late dinner.

You texted your mom from time to time, telling her how you were doing, but that often turning into you ranting about how happy you are with Reiner.

Senior year started, and your courses became harder. Nobody had time for parties, everyone considered hangouts to automatically mean studying with each other in the library.

Reiner was in a similar boat. Since he was a senior, and the football team captain, he had to set the freshman straight. He had to take extra time off to create lineups with the coach and explain training to the newbies.

Though you continued to have your FaceTime routine, you both accepted that you wouldn't see each other much in person from all the stress of school and sports.

But, you and Reiner stayed strong through it, and once finals were done, Reiner surprised you with a visit and brought you back to his campus where he made you meet his coach.

He and his coach told you Reiner was drafted into the little leagues, you thanking the coach for finding a way to get Reiner onto a bigger team.

His coach told you Reiner talks about you a lot, and keeps a picture of you in his pocket inside his uniform, so you have his back while he plays. You never knew he did that, but it made you so happy to find out.

His coach also went on about how Reiner was going great places, and you could only agree.

After that, Reiner took you out to a fancy restaurant, treating you to whatever you wanted.

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