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"Merry Christmas!" Your mother kissed your forehead as you leant up, instantly wiping the wet spot on your forehead before looking at your mother.

"Morning mom." You yawned before slowly getting up, giving her a hug.

"You slept in again." She said as you nodded. She didn't need to tell you. You already knew.

She had made you waffles with fruits for breakfast, and treated you much nicer than she usually did. It felt nice to be spoiled every once in a blue moon.

Even though you didn't have a Christmas tree, your mother had a couple of presents placed on the floor in the living room.

You had bought her favorite cookies for her, they were wrapped and on the leg rest in the living room as well.

After eating breakfast, both you and your mother opened each others gifts.

You wanted your mother to open hers first, and by the time you finished opening yours, her box of cookies were already half eaten.

And that was how your Christmas morning went. You appreciated your gifts. Clothes were all you really needed anyways.

Then you went back to your usual self, isolated in your room, watching the SpongeBob Christmas special on your tv.

You texted Petra a merry Christmas and she sent back a picture of her and her cat in front of a tree, her holding up her cat like she was trying to crucify him or something.

You giggled before texting the rest of your friends, noticing Historia, Sasha, Falco and Bertholdt all texted you a merry Christmas. It warmed your heart to know they took the time out of their day to say merry Christmas to you. You replied to each of them, saying merry Christmas as well.

You didn't exactly expect a text from Reiner, but seeing as everyone else did, Reiner seemed like the odd one out to you. But it wasn't that big of a deal, you ignored it. You'd probably even text him first later if he doesn't say anything.

Your whole family would come over for dinner, so until then, you basically could just sit back, relax and do whatever you wanted. So you did. You sat on your bed and read a new romance book online that Petra had recommended.

"(Y/N)! COME DOWNSTAIRS!" your mother shouted from downstairs as you took out your headphones, clearly hearing her scream over the music. You walked downstairs, still wearing your pyjamas.

Standing at your door was Reiner, wearing grey sweatpants and a pullover. In his hands were a box of cupcakes.

"What're you doing here?" You questioned as Reiner looked at you with a blank face. You could never really guess his emotions.

"I think the right words are 'merry Christmas'," he said as your mother stood aside, watching as your face turned red.

"Merry Christmas." You mumbled, grabbing onto the box of cupcakes and bringing them into the kitchen.

Your mother invited Reiner in as he walked with you towards your kitchen. Reiner has never been inside your house before.

"What's your name?" Your mother asked Reiner as you answered for him. "It's Reiner."

Reiner pointed at you with a nod, letting your mother know that you were in fact right about his name being Reiner.

"Are you and my daughter dating?" She asked bluntly as your mouth instantly ran the second she asked.

"No!" You replied, looking at your mom before pretending to barf.

"Ouch." Reiner pretended to look hurt before looking at your mother. "Yeah don't worry we're just friends." He reassured your mother.

New love (Reiner x reader)Where stories live. Discover now