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You yawned as you walked up the four flights of stairs you'd have to walk up every day for the rest of the year.

Your biology class was empty as you walked over to the window, looking out and feeling the fresh breeze hit you through the open crack in the window.

"What're you doing?" A boys calm voice made you turn around.

It was Armin, looking at you, seemingly judgemental like.

You took a step away from the window. "Just looking outside." You replied as he took a deep breath.

"Yknow they have a breakfast club that provides breakfast to students before school, right?" He asked as you nodded.

You knew, but you just weren't hungry.

"I'd rather not... eat breakfast." You admitted as Armin lifted his eyebrow.

"So you just skip the most important meal?" He asked as you gave him a confused look.

Since when does he care about your eating habits. You've only known each other for two days anyways.

"Oh....Kay." He said as his eyes widened, going to sit at his seat as you stayed quiet long enough to make the silence awkward.

Did you make that awkward? Fuck you did, didn't you. Damn it.

You walked away from the window, going to sit down in your seat as you'd wait for class to start.

Biology and English flew by, and before you knew it, it was lunchtime.

Historia didn't invite you to lunch today. Maybe she thought it was a one time thing to make you feel welcome on the first day, but then everything else was up to you.

You thought about asking if you could sit with her and her friends again, but you didn't want to invade, and the embarrassment prevented you from putting yourself out there and doing it.

So there you were, sitting on the fourth floor hallway right in front of the locker you were assigned first period.

You felt like a loser, but at least the fourth floor was empty. Not many people came onto the fourth floor unless they had a class, plus it wasn't a full floor, more like half. Other than that, everyone was in the library, cafeteria or went out for lunch.

And then there was you. Eating lunch on the fourth floor in the hallway, in front of your locker, on the floor. Though you weren't even eating lunch. You were binging another shitty reality tv show you'd drop in the third or fourth episode. For entertainment purposes, of course.

You were peacefully watching a series before being rudely interrupted by the bell. Was lunch really that short?

Nonetheless, you got your parenting books together and walked down to the second floor.

Historia and Ymir walked together past you through the halls, but just gave a smile, and walked past.

It hurt your feelings, but you didn't want to think about it too much.

"(Y/n) and Mina. You will be partnered to take care of the baby." Mrs Nanaba said as she handed the two of you your assigned baby.

It felt way too soon to get the fake baby to take care of, but you kept forgetting you were the only new one. It was November. While the others already had two extra months of learning, you were left behind.

Mina was a nice girl. She had black hair tied into two ponytails and a nice smile. Now she, SHE would be a good mother.

She smiled as she sat next to you. You didn't talk to anyone in this class, so you were happy she didn't seem disappointed you were partners.

When looking at the baby, your mind was focused on one thing.

"Is it a boy or girl?" You questioned as Mina looked at you with a confused face, wondering why that mattered.

Well, you knew for a fact the girl babies were programmed to cry less. It was a fact that baby boys become stressed faster than baby girls, and the robot babies were programmed like real life babies.

You watched as Mina moved aside the babies diaper before looking back at you.

"Female; I think." She said, not being too sure herself.

"Okay, are we going to take care of this baby together, or take shifts?" Mina asked as you shrugged.

"Whatever you're comfortable with. I think at school we can take care of it together, but take the baby home separately." You suggested as she nodded.

"Do you want it tonight, or do you want me to have it tonight and you have it tomorrow night?" She asked as you put a bib around the babies neck.

"You keep it tonight. Tell me how she is tomorrow so I know how messed up my schedule will be." You said as she smiled.

"Sounds good." She said as the two of you spent the rest of the period making sure the baby didn't cry.

"Well, good luck." You said towards Mina as the bell had rung, you getting ready to leave class.

"Thanks!" She said as you walked towards the first floor for your last period class.

Once again, while sitting at the front of the class you couldn't help looking at the football field and the boys practicing on it.

It was November, and soon it would start snowing and becoming cold, so you savoured being able to be entertained by them outside while you still could.

Today you leaned about how childhood contributes to personality disorders. It was very interesting and you even took your eyes off of the football team to listen to Mr Smith.

Apparently, kids who are introverted were raised by strict parents while extroverted kids were raised with open accepting parents.

So where did that place you? In the middle? You weren't extroverted or introverted, you were in the middle. And your mother wasn't strict or open, she was in the middle. So what does that make you?

Your thoughts were left unanswered as the last bell rang. You didn't have to go to your locker, so you went home instead.

The bus stop you waited at to get home was always packed by other students from your school. You didn't know any of them, but they all live around your area considering they're taking the same bus to the same direction.

You opened your front door to yet another dead silent house.

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