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Rumours spread like wildfire as you felt like a target. You never knew how big of a deal kissing Reiner was.

Every girl that passed you in the hall gave you a snarly look as you just held your books and kept your headphones in your ears.

"Hey (y/n), what the hell is the vibe around the school this morning?" Sasha asked as you looked around.

"So it isn't just me?" You asked.

Sasha shook her head.

"Come." She tugged on your arm, pulling you out of the class and into the hall, where people instantly looked at you before looking away, a couple of girls whispering to each other.

"It definitely has something to do with you. What happened?" Sasha asked.

"I have no idea." You replied in confusion.

It didn't matter. Whatever these people knew or didn't know, you had nothing to hide.

The rest of the day continued like that. From class to class, every time you passed people they gave you these faces. Bertholdt seemed normal though. All your friends did.

You ate lunch with Reiner and the group.

"How was your weekend?" Reiner asked as you smiled. No matter how other people looked at you, Reiner always looked at you with kind eyes.

"My mom and I went shopping. It was fun. I spent time with her and we didn't talk about her financial situation or her job even once!" You expressed your thankfulness.

"That's great. Did you buy anything nice?" He asked as you nodded.

"Yes. Some nice tops and some new makeup as well." You smiled.

"Cool. If we didn't have these stupid uniforms, you could've worn them." He said before handing you a pack of chips.

"Bought them from the caf this morning, but now I don't want them." He said as you took the Doritos from his hands.

"I want them." You quickly said with a smile.

"Okay." He gave a small smile in return as you put the Doritos in your bag for later.

"Hey.. Do you know if rumours or something are being spread about me?" You asked as Reiner looked confused.

"Not that I know of. Why? Is someone spreading rumours?" He asked.

"I don't know but people are looking at me weird in the halls, and I don't know what I did wrong." You replied as Mikasa budded herself into the conversation.

"That's because you're dating the 'hottest guy'," she quoted, "in school."

"Yeah and? How does that put me in the wrong?" You asked.

"It doesn't. It makes them jealous." Mikasa continued.

"No way. Boys were doing it too. They were giving me bad looks too." You stated.

"Well then I don't know." Mikasa finished, trying to help you but also not caring enough to go too deep into it.

"Should I just ask someone what's wrong or what's going on? Like am I missing something?" You wondered out loud as Reiner put his arm around you.

"I'll find out myself. And I'll handle it." Reiner said as you looked at him. He was so caring and always willing to help you.

"Okay. But if it's serious, tell me." You replied as Reiner nodded.


The rest of the week continued just as it had started. Nobody said hi to you in the halls anymore, and everyone in your classes had stayed in their lane. Even Mina was more on the reserved side, even more than she usually was.

You went over Reiners house on Saturday morning to talk to him, and try to get your mind off of the week.

"(Y/n), ummmm...," Reiner said as you sat down on his couch with him, clearly seeing him look like he had something to say.

"What's wrong?" You asked as Reiner showed you his phone. On it was a video of you that night at the game, beating the shit out of Jean with a baseball bat you found in the girls locker room.

From the way the video was filmed, you looked like an insane person, beating the shit out of some poor defenceless guy.

Whoever filmed the video zoomed in on Jeans smashed kneecap. You didn't want to murder him, but other people could watch this video and definitely think you did.

They didn't know what happened beyond the video.

"It's got two thousand views." Reiner said as you covered your face with your hands.

"Fuck me this is bad." You whined as the video played in the background, you hearing your own screaming in the video.

You were so mad in the moment you didn't remember what you said. But hearing the video, it was you. You said these words.

"COME NEAR HIM OR I EVER AGAIN AND ILL SMASH YOUR SKULL. DO YOU WANT THAT YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE?!" You heard your words come from the phone as you shut Reiners phone off.

"Reiner you don't know what happened." You tried to explain.

"Why was Jean there in the first place? Where did he even come from?" Reiner asked.

"He was going to try to sabotage your game. His sister told me. I didn't want you to worry, so I dealt with it." You said with shame, knowing maybe telling someone would've been the better answer.

"You could go to jail for this." He said as you shook your head.

"Reiner this video is only a fraction of what happened! That dickhead slapped me and then pinned me to the wall telling me if I did anything he'd kill me and you." You explained before tearing up.

"I was scared. Okay? I didn't want him to hurt me and I definitely didn't want him to hurt you." You cried as Reiner put his phone down, hugging you.

"You put yourself in so much danger. Next time, tell me. Don't think you'll make me worry if you tell me. You make me worry when you don't tell me." He said into the hug as you tried not to sniffle too hard.

"I'm sorry Reiner." You apologized as you hugged onto Reiner, him tightening his grip on you.

"Were there any witnesses?" Reiner asked.

"Ymir and Annie were in there with me. They saw it all." You replied.

"That's good. If anything comes out of this, you have people to back you up." Reiner tried to lighten things up.

"Remember, I'm on your side. Don't keep things like that from me." He reminded you as you nodded.

"Don't cry, okay?" He pulled away, gently wiping your eye.

"Okay." You replied.

"Hey, at least it wasn't your nudes that were leaked." He joked as you giggled through the tears at his attempt to brighten you up.


New love (Reiner x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum