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"Who was that boy?" She asked as you looked at her with worry.

"A friend... I met him at school." You said as your mom clicked her tongue.

"And is he apart of the reason you were marked absent from fourth period?" She asked as you held your head low.

"I skipped myself. He wasn't apart of it." You replied honestly as your mom moved out of the way, allowing you to take your shoes off.

"Come sit down and talk to me." Your mother said before sitting on the huge new couch in your living room. You asked her if you could change first, and after she said yes, you raced up the stairs towards your room.

You went back into the living room downstairs before sitting next to her.

"I work my ass off. To provide for the both of us, understand?" She asked as you nodded.

"I need you to do the same. To be able to provide for your own family." She said as you sighed, knowing how much she was blowing this out of proportion.

"Mom, it was one day. I had a bad day in general. I promise my grades will be high." You told her as she pinched your nose.

"I know they will be. You're smart." She reminded you before pulling you into a hug. You were glad she didn't get pissed off.

You smiled before getting up, going to your room.

Your mother made dinner that night. You always liked the way she made pasta. When you made it, the tomato sauce always tasted funky. But when she makes it, it tastes so good.

While you were twirling your spaghetti, your mother came up with a conversation starter.

"So, that boy. What's his name?" Your mom asked as you looked up from your food to your mom. You swallowed the bite in your mouth.

"Reiner." You responded as she's never heard a name like that before. It's a German name.

"Is he in your class?" She asked as you shook your head.

"Well, how'd you meet him?" She asked as your eyes widened. You could not tell her you met by smashing into eachother by accident, breaking your phone. Your mom didn't even know your phone was broken in the first place.

"He saw I was alone at lunch the first day, and sat with me." You lied as your mom instantly went "aww"

Yeah mom, it wasn't as cute as you think.

You tried your best to overcome this topic and move the hell on. Reiner was a good friend, but you were never one to like talking about boys to your mom.

You finished dinner, helping your mom by cleaning and washing the dishes yourself.

You then went up to your room to finish your biology homework that you once again, didn't do yet.

You were getting really tired, and you were about to close your eyes while lying on your bed, but your phone started vibrating next to you.

You picked it up, the name saying Petra.

"Mother fucker stop ignoring my calls." The girl said, with anger in her voice.

Okay, so maybe you've been talking to her less and less. But since you moved schools, and didn't see her, what was there to talk about? You liked listening to her stories. You didn't like telling her yours.

But, maybe you should. Ignoring your best friend isn't a good way to maintain a long distance relationship.

"Sorry Petra. Shits been happening okay?" You asked as you heard a sigh from the other line.

New love (Reiner x reader)Where stories live. Discover now