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"(Y/n), here you are!" Historia smiled as she held onto two Pom poms.

"I look stupid." You said, standing with your legs apart. The cheer uniform was cute, but it made you feel much more feminine than before.

Was that a good thing? The whole point of becoming a cheerleader was to impress Reiner and cheer for him.

"You're not the only one." Sasha stood next to you, her boobs being noticeable through the uniform. She was like a double D, partly from all the food she eats, partly genetics.

"This is an extra large?" Sasha asked, lifting her arms and barely having any space.

Your uniform fit just fine. Though it was an uncomfortable fabric.

"That's an extra large. There's no bigger size." Historia concluded as Sasha sighed in defeat. She'd have to make do.

"Is cheerleading fatphobic or some shit." She muttered under her breath as you could tell Sasha didn't want to be here.

You were the one that told her to join to make a truce with Historia.

But this was convenient for you. Not only would you be helping Historia and the cheerleading team out, but this would also count as a required joined club. You didn't have to be Connie's soccer manager anymore. You didn't have to stress about what club you join anymore.

All you had to do was dance and cheer for the football team.

"You got the moves?" Annie stood by your side.

"Yes. The only thing I'm a little worried about is the lift." You replied as Hitch held her arms out.

"We've been through this. We'll lift you. All you have to do is keep your balance." Hitch sighed as you nodded.

"But what if I fall?" You questioned as Ymir stood behind you. She wasn't on the team, but she did come to the practices to watch, and went home with Historia afterwards.

"I'll spot you from behind. If you fall I'll catch you." She said, you still being weary about trusting her. Ymir never showed emotions, who would be able to tell for sure if she'd actually catch you?

"Trust her." Historia said, being lifted by two other girls into the sky.

She then jumped off of their hands and fell down, having the two girls catch her like a baby.

"See? We have trust in eachother. You'll be fine." Historia said as both Hitch and Annie held their hands out together while crouched.

"You put one foot on, then the other. Once you're steady, they'll lift you up." Historia directed as you put your left then right leg onto the girls hands. You held onto both of their shoulders before letting go, keeping your balance steady and having them lift you up.

It wasn't as scary as you thought it was. Though, you had no idea how to get down. The two girls were just holding you up as you stood, not knowing what to do.

"Jump up slightly and fall on your back." Historia said as you began losing your calm balance, knowing jumping up and falling would hurt if they didn't catch you.

"Jump down before our hands give out." Hitch said as her face was turning red, not being able to hold the weight for this long.

"JUST JUMP (Y/N)!" Ymir said from behind you as you did, you fell backwards and prayed they'd catch you.

You felt four hands support your body as you opened your eyes to see both Annie and Hitch look down at you.

"You're fine! Get up!" Historia said as you looked around, getting back onto your feet with their help.

It wasn't as bad as you thought it'd be.

"See, you're fine." She said as she turned to Sasha. She'd teach Sasha how to spot now.

You knew the routine. It wasn't that hard. Simple dance moves and the lift.

The other more skilled cheerleaders would have their own solos, running and doing aerials across the group.

You didn't care about being the best. Reiner didn't care about that either. He cared about TRYING his best. So did you.


You practiced and practiced, seeing Reiner less and less. But it was for a good reason. In one month, the boys have their first football game of the season. And you'd surprise Reiner by being a cheerleader for him.

You did get a tutor, and that tutor was a close friend. Bertholdt. Convenient, he sat beside you.

You never knew how smart Bertholdt was. He was friends with the football guys so you assumed he wasn't smart. Your assumption really was wrong.

You didn't pay Bertholdt. He stayed with you after school and helped you, while you also did research on the computer for him. A win win situation.

Bertholdt told you Reiner was distancing himself from him. Bertholdt is kind, who constantly thinks everything is his fault. In reality, you knew Reiner was just jealous you were spending time with Bertholdt and not him.

Reiner had lots of friends. It wasn't like he was completely alone without you and Bertholdt, but he still somehow acted like that was the case.

"Why do you care so much about impressing him?" Bertholdt asked as he placed his pen down, listening to your story about how you'd surprise Reiner.

"Wha- it's not to impress him." You responded, your face heating up, realizing that Bertholdt was becoming aware of the feelings you couldn't understand.

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel? I'm sure he feels the same." Bertholdt wondered as you shrugged.

"Everything always happens so fast. I don't know how I feel and I'm scared to know." You replied.

"I'm not even over my ex. I think about him all the time. As much as I wished I didn't." You ranted, now shutting up feeling bad for Bertholdt having to listen to you.

"How are you supposed to get over the past if you're not willing to try new things?" Bertholdt asked as you took a deep breath.

"Can you help me with science now. I don't understand the equation." You said as you pointed towards the question in your textbook. Even though Bertholdt wasn't in your science class, he knew it better than you did.

He was smart. You didn't understand why he was friends with the jocks and not the smart kids.

"Here." Bertholdt handed you a bottle of water as you drank, finally sighing after completing your science work with his help.

"How are you getting home?" He asked as you pulled the bottle away from your mouth.

"Bus." You replied.

"You going alone? Or would you like me to come with you?" He asked, trying to be caring and not leaving you alone in public.

"I know how to get on and off of a bus." You said sarcastically as Bertholdt looked confused with your answer.

"Yeah you can come with me." You concluded.

Bertholdt did understand that, and got his things along with his bag.

The library was quiet. You were glad you weren't interrupted like you would've been if you had studied together at school.

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