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"You're still looking for a club?" Connie asked, you wiping your eye. It was a Monday morning. You weren't interested about this chat.

"Yes." You replied.

"Cool. Be the soccer coaches manager. We need someone." He said as you looked towards him. Connie did not seem like a soccer kind of guy.

"If that'll count as a club, sure." You replied as Connie clapped his hands together.

"Nice! I'm sure my coach will be okay with it." He said as you tried to smile, knowing that stupid problem was solved. You'd just help the soccer team for the rest of the season and then that's it.

"No you can't join!" Bertholdt said as you were now in your English class. Why did he care so much if you were going to coach the soccer team.

"Why not," You questioned as Bertholdt stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Listen. Their soccer season doesn't start until spring so I still have a lot of time to think." You reminded him as he nodded.

You still didn't get an answer as to why he was so against you coaching the soccer team.

That was left unanswered.

You ate lunch with Historia and the cheerleading group, and got to know more about Hitch, the girl of the group that reminded you most of Petra.

Though Petra was crazy, and often ticked you off and annoyed you, you couldn't help loving her personality and other people that have the same personality type as her.

The day went by smoothly, and you were back in bed before you knew it.


You didn't talk to Reiner for a couple of weeks. You've been at attack on titan high for a month and a half yet, and you weren't far from winter break.

You had absolutely no idea what you'd do this winter. Your mom would continue to work, leaving you home all day, every day.

You didn't even know if you'd be getting any presents. There was no Christmas tree in the house, and no decorations either. Your mother must've thought you were too old for it.

But you really did like the idea of Christmas, and making gingerbread houses, decorating a tree and eating loads of candy canes. This year those traditions were down the drain.


You'd rotated who you sat with every day, from Sasha and Connie to the cheerleaders, occasionally to Mina and her friend group. Until today, when you finally accepted to sit with Bertholdt and his friends.

"You ready?" Bertholdt asked, knowing right after second period you'd go to lunch, so he'd go with you this time.

You thought he'd direct you towards the cafeteria, but you were confused as he opened a door to the back of the school. He walked around the corner, seeing a large group of boys hanging around a long picnic table outside. A couple of girls sat next to the boys, their shoulders being wrapped by the boys arms.

It was in the middle of December. Why would they decide to eat lunch out during this time? Every so often it snowed, and the weather just wasn't good to be eating outside.

"Hey (y/n)!" The boy, who you remembered by Bertholdt's description that it was Porco.

He wasn't sitting next to a girl like some of the others.

New love (Reiner x reader)Where stories live. Discover now