Fatherhood ;like knighthood but without using sharp objects

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When the news of his best friend's death because of another one's betrayal reached Sirius he was tempted to hunt him down, only the thought of the baby smiling up at him, unaware that she just lost both her parents, made him stop.

The night Voldemort came to Godric's Hallow a little member of the potters family, Harley -twin to Harry- was out with Sirius Black. It was dangerous to go out, and Lily never approved but who would have thought that it was for the best?

In one night he had lost all of his friends. James and Lily are dead. Peter was now his enemy. And Remus thinks he's a murderer and a traitor like everyone else does.

He knew that no one would trust him. Knew that Dumbledore no longer cared for him . Harry was already taken to his relatives. Sirius knew it would be best if he let Harley go too, but he couldn't. He couldn't let go the last part of his best friend and it seemed like she didn't want to let go of him either .

The whole world blamed him for Jame's and Lily's death while the real culprit enjoyed the status of a tragic hero. Sirius knew Peter was out there and he would do anything to keep the truth buried, so that Sirius would be branded a deadth eater ,a betrayer.

He didn't Care about what others thought but he wanted revenge. And he will get it by all means. Even at the cost of his life.

Sirius was interrupted by a high pitched baby noise. He was yet to learn the baby language so he didn't understand if it was a cry of pain or a shriek of pure joy. He couldn't help but think of the worst. What Voldemort have never really died? What if they are here to get him? What if its dementors? was it his mistake to think that he could protect her?

He rushed out to next room to find Harley covered in some kind of white powder-flour probably-, eyes wide with wonder as puffs of flour floated around her.
Sirius plops down next to her with a sigh. Nothing wrong.

"Paafoo? "

The tiny girl was now perched on his lap looking up at him with her beautiful hazel eyes. Eyes like James. He wondered if she was worried.

"I'm fine Harley "

He picked her up and she nuzzled into the crook of his neck, now he too was covered in flour .

"Paafoo, whes mama? "
"Are you hungry, young lady ? You want some proper nourishment?"

The child giggled. He couldn't understand why she prefered it when people used big words with her. Maybe it's just habit from how James used to talk to her.

He wondered how he will answer that question later. For now he could bluff, but what about when she's older?How will he tell her that it was his fault that her parents died? She's young enough to forget them, he was sure he could make her believe in almost anything if he tried. But he couldn't, he wouldn't lie to this child.

Leaning his chin against the silky baby hair he realized that he has now become a father.

Revenge could wait, for now, he had a child to raise.

Sirius forced himself to smile even as his heart ached. For the baby. He has lost everything and everyone he loved except for this child. Sirius bounced the baby in his arms and rubbed his cheek softly against hers. He whispered to her, tickling her as he did.

"I'm sorry Harley, but you are all I have. I can't let you go too"

She was laughing. Unaware how much her life had changed. Sirius wondered if this is how angels sounded.
"I'm not perfect but I'm going to try to be. Forgive me, I know you deserve better but-"

He was interrupted by a sudden hug. Harley had wrapped her chubby arms around his neck.

"Paafoo, don cwy"
That's when he realized he was infact crying. The smile was still plastered to his face. Her eyes were trained on his face . No it couldn't be his imagination. The child did look worried. He wondered if she actually understood everything. They looked at each other for a long time. The sweet baby and the heartbroken man.

"Ish wokay paafoo. Imma getchu candy if ya don cwy"

The girl wriggled free from his grasp, slid down and waddled away to the kitchen as he watched. She crawled into a cabinet and returned with a couple of milk candies - a muggle sweet- clutched in her tiny fists.

Sirius wiped his tears and smiled -a real smile this time- as he got on to his knees before her.

Sirius lost many things but he has become the father of the most amazing little girl.

PS. The image is Sasuke and Sarada .Forgive me. I couldn't find anything more appropriate

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