We are moving

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Sirius had been pacing around the apartment for a couple of days for reasons unknown to Harley . Whenever she asked he just said "I'll let you know after I make the decision, IF it concerns you that is "
The way he said it emphasized that it was none of her concerns. As if.

Anyway now Harley figures that either Sirius has activated some kind of authoritarian parent mode which enable him to make decisions for her who is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, or he's actually in some kind of trouble. She'd place her odds on option b he's actually in trouble. It is Sirius in question, after all.
(Still she has a couple of plans for a rebellious phase™ just in case she chose wrong option. The better prepared, the more grand )

As for what kind of trouble he might be in... Harley hoped it's a romantic one. It'd make sense for him to say that decisions concerning his love life is none of her business after all. Except for the fact that she planning on playing cupid for him (But how? Harley doesn't know much about love, aside from what she has read. Perhaps she should ask Pansy)


"We are moving "
Sirius said suddenly as Harley took the first bite of her dinner . She choked on her nigiri .

"What? But but I just finished decorating "
"It's because —"
"Whyyyyy? "
"You see, we've —"
"Whyyyyyyyyyy? "

"Can you stop howling like a cat at 3am ? " Sirius says looking thoroughly exasperated "I can explain, it's not that bad "
"Can you stop ruining dinners by popping random pieces of bad news on me? "

"What's the fun in that? " He grinned. Harley got an urge to throw a punch or preferably a hammer. But she resisted, only because of one thing – she wanted the rest of the news.

"So Harley, you know about the Order of Phoenix right? " He looks at her expectantly. She did
"Voldy resistance group, back in your days, right? All you guys were members and Dumbledore lead it. Is it possible that it's named after his phoenix ?" As Sirius started to say something, it suddenly clicked in place.
"So now that Voldy is back, the order is also back. You are rejoining. Am I joining too? Can I? I can do lots of thi— "

"Whoa there ! You got it all right but you are not joining. Nope "
"Whining isn't going to get you anywhere. It's final. You will not join the order. Not unless you come of age. That's how it is"
"Fiiine. So is this the big decision that's been troubling you for like days? "

"I wish. You see, now that the Order is back, it'll need a head quarters. And we're going to be there. Can you guess where? "
Harley took a moment to observe Sirius. He dreaded this place and as far as she knew there's only two places in the entire world that can have such effect on Sirius. And Dumbledore wouldn't set the head quarters in Azkaban.

"Grimmauld's place"
"Bingo! "
"But... But why? "
"Well I volunteered . . . to give the place when Dumbledore asked if there's anywhere we could . . . . you know that it's protected by a hell lot of enchantments and . . . . "

"No, I mean why do we have to go ?"
"Well . . . you don't have to . . . " Sirius said fiddling his fingers, he was looking down not willing to meet her eyes "Not really. But I have to. I just thought that . . . you will come with me but . . . . . if you don't want I understand. I don't really want to either but—"

"Sirius , you should know that I'll come with you wherever " Harley caught his hands as she talked
"But you should also know that this sounds quite a lot like emotional blackmailing? "

Harley knew that he wasn't trying to manipulate her. Sirius would be the last person in the world who'd try to manipulate her.

"Does it sound that way? " He raised an eyebrow "Well I guess you would know. You are the professional, slytherin princess "

"Wait. How did you know that? "
"Perhaps you are unaware that I have sources in Hogwarts "
"Sources named Harry Potter? "
"Well now I couldn't say that now can I? I have to protect my informant "

"What all does he tell you, about me, I mean. I don't care what you guys talk about "
"How would you know my informant is a he? I haven't confirmed any identities. As for what... Everything "

"I swear I am going to kill that boy the next time I see him"
"That's going to be fun to watch . Also you will get your chance sooner than you think. "

Harley raised a brow
"You see, this is the part that makes this moving part better. Harry will come over. "
"Really? "

"Yeah " Sirius grinned "I asked Dumbledore, he agreed that Harry can stay in the headquarters . We can go get him "
"Tomorrow? "
"Not tomorrow, but soon enough. We would've to go to the headquarters "
"Fiiine. It's just a pity that we'd have to disenchant my room "
"Who said that? I'm not selling this apartment "

Harley hit Sirius on the shoulder . "You should have said that first"
But Sirius only laughed and shoved a sushi into Harley's mouth.


Hi guys!

It's been quite a long break, right?
Well I had exams .The last exams of my school life in fact.
Finally I'm freeeeeee
Now the horrible task of college entrance tests remains . Gah!

I wish I was born back in those days when nothing much was discovered and peeps who just used microscopes to see random stuff were named awesome scientists.

Whatever. Now I'm back and I'll try to make up for all the time I've been gone. This chapter took some time because I've been so disconnected from writing.

Also I had to read this story from beginning ,and Gods am I disappointed in myself!
After I finish this I'm going to edit the first and second year . Which looks extremely patchy.
Also my writing style just keeps changing right?

I think I'll finish this story as it is and make version 2.0 where it's edited to be better and I'll do that in a single stretch so it won't be like this.

Thanks for being here y'all.
Honestly I love you ,my peeps.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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