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Harry Potter woke up in the morning when something slammed onto his chest with a loud thud. Without his glasses he could only make out the blurry outline of something flying out through the windows .
He quickly put on his glasses but in the seconds her took to wear them, the thing had already disappeared.

He would have thought it was a dream except for the fact that the object that thing had dropped on him was still there. It was lying on the floor where he knocked it aside .

Ron had woken up too and was looking at the thing lying on the floor between their.
"Why did you throw away your gift, mate? "
"Gift? "

Harry blinked and looked again. It was wrapped in a gift paper but the box itself looked out of shape with all the rough handling. The wrapping was done with cream colored paper which made it look like a plain package but it was tied with a golden silk ribbon .

Ron picked up the gift and placed it near Harry, on his bed before he went to open his presents

Harry noticed that he had a pile himself although it was much smaller than Ron's. Harry went through his pile first. He had never gotten so many before .He couldn't believe his luck when he unwrapped the invisiblity cloak.

At last he picked up the package that dropped on him. He opened it to find a pair of silver rimmed glasses but it had broken .Harry picked it up, feeling a bit down. Maybe it wouldn't have broken if he didn't knock it away.

To his surprise, the spects mended itself that moment his hand touched it. He put it on to find that his vision improved much more than when he wore his old ones. There was also a pouch filled with an assortment of muggle chocolates and a letter.
Harry opened the later.

Dearest Harry,
Merry Christmas. I hope you are having fun. I also hope you liked the glasses. You are so magnificent as a seeker , I hope this will help you find snitches faster. And it'd fix itself so you don't have to bother about breaking it or anything. It can change color too! So if you want it to match your outfit, just touch it and think the color you want.

I have always wanted to be your friend, and would love to write letters to you ,only if you want, that is.
If you agree to being my friend, you can just leave me a letter under the foot of the statue (of God knows who) next to the suit of armor near the steps to the astronomy tower.

I'll expect your reply but don't feel any pressure. I'd still care about you even if you don't want to be friends. But I promise I won't bother you. I'm not a stalker either.

I'm sorry Harry but I can't reveal myself, yet. But I swear that I'd be there if you need me.

—With love
A person who doesn't exist
To your knowledge, that is.

The letter was written in an ornate and elegant cursive. Harry had never seen such beautiful writing before. Ron who was reading the letter over his shoulder whistled.
"Who ever wrote that is a huge fan of yours. Can I have some of those chocolates? I've never seen those before "
"Help yourself .It's a muggle variety. "
Harry said, tossing him the pouch.


Harley was the only one left in her dorm in Christmas morning. Most of the slytherins had left. It was good because no one was there to tease her about her lack of presents . She didn't really care. With Sirius as her parent, she got pranks as gifts more often than not.
He did get her gifts but most times it would be when she least expected to get one. And when she did expect one, like on birthdays and Christmas, she got pranked. He was very spontaneous that way. Harley corrected herself. He is spontaneous. Sirius was in Azkaban not dead.

No,  Harley did not mind. She loved giving presents more than receiving them. And she was sure when Edgar– her huge midnight black owl– return from giving her present to Roan, he'd have a gift for her from her bestie . That was more than enough.

Harley did get an additional gift when she went to the Astronomy tower that night. Harry had left her a letter. She had not really expected him to reply. She was happy enough to see him wear the glasses she gave at breakfast. The letter felt like a bonus.

Dear friend,

Thanks for the awesome gift. The glasses are very cool. And mousse filled chocolates are literally my favorite. I'm sorry but I didn't have any gift for you. I'd make up for it next time.
Now that I know of your existence, you won't be able to sign yourself that way. I'm not pushing you though I would like to know who you are. Maybe you have a nickname? Addressing a letter to 'friend ' seems weird .
Harry Potter.

Harley read the letter again and again when she got to her dormitory until an exhausted Edgar ,landed near her dropping a parcel, hooted for attention.
She put the letter under her pillow and got Edgar some treats as she undid the thread tied around his feet, securing the letter .

My sweet Hals,
I just opened your gift. It's awesome .Is it destiny that I got -who am I kidding - made you a pendant? I mean sun and moon. It matches. We surely are soul mates.

Harley paused reading and unwrapped the hastily wrapped present. It was a crescent moon made of resin ,made to look silver with a layer of aluminum foil between layers of resin. She knew Roan was good at crafts but this was so beautiful that one would never guess it wasn't authentic metal. There was also half a bar of chocolate. She smiled and continued reading.

My pendant may not be magic or precious metal but I've made it myself. Unlike you. Shame on you, you little rich lady! Just kidding.

And don't worry about not returning. I forgive you. But as a penalty, I've ate half your chocolate. Okay to be honest I planned to eat it with you when you came, but you didn't and you know how crazy I am for chocolates. So sorry not sorry. I've also put the little savings I have from the summer jobs. It's not enough for a cab ride but maybe you could catch the bus? I mean you have to return for summer.

I miss you so much ,girl. I would write more but your stupid owl is way too eager to return to you . Can't blame him.
The unwitchy bitch.
(P. S :That rhymes real well, doesn't it)

Harley smiled and put on the pendant which was hung on a thin black braided rope. Two letters from the two of the three people she care about. Tonight was good.

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