Second year

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Harley was excited to get back to Hogwarts yet she inexplicably felt sad too. Yes, she'd miss Roan but that really wasn't the case. She could cope with things like that. After all didn't she manage to stay on her feet without Sirius?

Harley had took a seat in an empty carriage. Someone opened the door to it, but seeing her they left. This has happened quite a few times. Harley wondered what she did to deserve this treatment.

Other than being slytherin that is. And having the surname Black. Maybe that was all that was needed. She was tired of having literally no one .And after the first she had lost all hope of making friends outside slytherin house.

It wasn't that she hated slytherins. She didn't mind being slytherin but she didn't really like bullying. She knew that Slytherin was more than that. They had better qualities. Just a few horrible people were all it took to ruin the house's reputation though.

And not to mention her dorm mates . Pansy ,Millicent and Kara did not like her.  After that incident before Christmas, Pansy was doing all she could to avoid her and ruin her social life. Millicent didn't have social skills but her presence itself had an effect on most people, scaring them to obedience. And Millicent supported Pansy, always.

And Kara while not having any personal feud with Harley, hated her simply because she spent most of her life in muggle world while being a pure blood. That's right she just assumed that Harley was pure blood just because of her name and her talent.

The door opened again. Harley didn't even bother looking. Someone plopped down next to her and trunk came into her view.

"Hello, Miss Black. "
"Who are you? "
The person in question was a boy with sunburn and brown hair. Harley hadn't really noticed him before. Maybe a first year? But first years wouldn't know her name.

"Uh.. I'm a ... I mean I'm Gideon Moon"
" Sorry but which year are you? I don't really know you "
The boy sighs audibly.

"I'm in your year. Second. And a slytherin. You seriously don't know me, at all? "
"I apologize. "

He rubs the nape of his neck. Looking a bit embarrassed before sighing yet again.
"Not your fault. I just tend to blend in the shadows. "

The boy did seem like someone who blended in. None of his features stood out. He wasn't particularly good looking or bad looking. The kind of person who you won't look twice. Harley obviously didn't tell him that.

"So no one gossips with you? "
"What? "
"I mean literally no one would talk to me , after hearing all that "

"Actually I wanted to talk to you for a long time but I just.... You know "
He shrugs.
"Yeah I get. But why now? "

"Because you have no friends just like me"
"So straight forward? "
"I mean why bother being round about when we both know the truth?"
"Fair enough "

They remained quiet for a while. Harley did not find the silence awkward or heavy. She watched the trees speeding by.

"So Harley, are you always so silent ?"
"I have talked to you "
"Your point? "
"I talk when I want to. No point in small talk. "

"Right. Say... Did you really choke Pansy? "
"Want me to demonstrate? "
Harley raised an eyebrow. Gideon immdeately backs off.
"No.No- I just... "
"I was just joking. "
"Right. I know You are not violent "

Harley doesn't say anything else. She really didn't know how to handle this person. They stayed silent for the rest of the journey.


Gideon's pov

I have always found Harley Black amazing. She was perhaps the only slytherin in our year who dares to act against Malfoy.

Yeah, that's right I'm no fan of Malfoy either. I almost wanted to fetch pompoms and cheer for her when she drenched him. But I couldn't. I didn't have any connections at all, and if did something like that, I'd even get branded a traitor.

Which is why I admire Harley. She dares to do what I can only dream of doing.

Yet when I finally did talk to her, I sort of felt disappointed. She was cool, just too cool and cold. Did I mention cold ? I had hoped that she'd be friends with me coz well neither of us had many friends. But apparently she doesn't care. Or maybe it's because it's just me.

She's just the perfect image of a slytherin ,her appearance was impeccable - her posture straight, not a wrinkle on her clothes, not a strand of her straight black hair out of place. And she was the top of the year ,last time, along with the muggle born girl- Hermione.

Mean while I'm this awkward queer, who's practically ignored as much as professor Binns. I can't maintain that perfect appearance no matter how hard I try. I don't look slytherin at all.

Maybe that's why she ignores me.

Not that surprising now that I think of it but still very disappointing. Like meeting your idol after a lifelong wait, only to be ignored. Oh well...

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