Precious Pansy

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Harley had Pansy pinned against the wall , her arm pushed against her throat. Pansy desperately clawed at her arm.

"You damned wretch!"
Harley shouted. It would be an understatement to say that Pansy was scared, she had never been more terrified. Harley was so quiet generally. Even when arguing she didn't really rise her voice much, she relaid on the power of her words.

Pansy regretted what she did just a moment ago.


For the first time in her life, Harley was very excited to return to the orphanage. Not that it was the bestest place, it  couldn't compare with Hogwarts. To her, the orphanage was a place worse than hell. But it was where her bestest friend was.

Roan Dallas, according to Harley, was the most amazing person to ever exist. She considered her the first good thing that happened to her after Sirius was taken. For Roan, who was still stuck there, Harley would go back to the place she hated the most.

Harley would get her gifts from wizarding world. She had already bought a pendant of a sun made of solid gold. She had seen an ad in the Daily Prophet for customized magical ornaments and just knew what she was going to get.

The pendant would send a happy though to the wearer's mind whenever they are upset. And Roan could use some more happiness . And she was the light in Harley's life when she was at her lowest. So she picked a sun.

She also bought a spects for Harry. A pair that would never break. Whenever she saw that tapped up glasses of his, she felt a heart ache. She always thought that her brother had a better life than her. But she knew at first glance that he was abused. She have seen countless abused kids during her time at orphanage, she could identify one easy enough.

Harley counted the muggle money she had with her. It was only enough for taxi to the orphanage and back. Good thing she already had some chocolates for Harry. A gift won't be complete without a bit of chocolate. As for Roan, she could get something from the train.

Harley was startled out of her thoughts when a hand grabbed her money.
"What do we have here, Black? "
Pansy asked with a sneer.

Things were going south between them for reasons unknown to Harley. She sighed.

"Give it back, Pansy"
"What are you doing with muggle things? "
"That's my own business, whatever I do with my stuff. "
"Well get it back yourself if you want, you filthy mudblood"

Harley sighed again and got up, to snatch the money out of the other girl's hands. But she had not predicted what happened next.

"Incendio! "
Pansy had her wand out and she dropped the burning paper muggle money. Ash slowly floated around.

For a moment Harley was shocked. The next, she tackled Pansy. How dare she! Harley was not one to care too much about money but this was her opportunity to be with her best friend.

Pansy's wand dropped from her hand as she struggled to get out Harley's grip. But it was in vain. Harley was stronger in every aspect, no matter magical or physical. Pansy was no match.

One might not expect someone as quiet and elegant as Harley to be able to fight .She was also very petite and willowy. But she was more than able to hold her own against a team of muggle boys much older than her, to protect her friends.

In the depth of her mind ,Harley felt relief when Millicent pried her off Pansy. She did not resist Millicent as she lifted Harley up by her waist, giving Pansy enough time to run. She didn't want to kill Pansy anyway.

The moment she was released, Pansy bolted out like an arrow. She didn't even pause to thank Millicent.

The bulky girl sat cross legged on the floor, near the petite one, who had a hand full of ash.
"I apologize for the rough handling. "

Harley shrugged as she fought to keep her emotions under control.
"I'm also sorry for whatever Pansy did"
"Not your fault "

"No. But she's my friend. And as annoying as she gets, I like her better alive"
"Wasn't planning on committing another murder. "

"Another murder? "
Harley got up without another word.
"Wait, Harley, was that a joke? "

Harley walked out to great hall.


“I do feel so sorry,” said Draco Malfoy, one Potions class, “for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they’re not wanted at home.”
He was looking over at Harry as he spoke. Crabbe and Goyle chuckled.
Harry, who was measuring out powdered spine of lionfish, ignored them. Harley did not.

"I do feel so sorry for all those who have their head stuck too far up their arse to know when their opinions do not matter "

Both Slytherins and Griffindors , looked at her ,in wonder.
"Know your place, Black "
"I know mine, but what of you? Where would you be without your father? "

Draco gave her a long look.
"I'm going to let this go for now but you should be careful of what spews out your mouth next time "

She flipped him off. Unfortunately professor Snape had chosen the very moment to turn around and look at them.
"Detention in my office at six, Miss Black. And pay attention to your potion, if you have finished arguing "

Harley groaned and looked back at her potion. It was a light shade of orange instead of yellow it was supposed to be at this point. She had probably added an additional pinch of powdered lionfish spine. This one is not going to be perfect as she usually made her potions. But nevertheless she concentrated so that it would not get any worse.

"What is wrong with you, Black? "
Malfoy asked as they poured some of their potion into a flask. Harley was right, her potions were not perfect. But still hers were better than those of everyone other than Granger, who made an almost perfect one.

Harley did not bother to look at Malfoy.
"Go ask your precious Pansy"

"Precious Pansy? "Malfoy repeated.
"Malfoy's Pansy? " Zabini asked.

Harley walked to the professor's table to turn in the potion, ignoring the boys.

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