Happy Birthday?

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"It's Draco's birthday next week " Pansy announced once they were in the girls dormitory. No one responded for a moment. Then Millicent spoke up
"Are we supposed to wish him, early? "

"No, you buffoon! Tomorrow is Hogsmeade day. We need to get him something " Pansy crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why? I haven't even talked to the guy. He probably hates me " Millicent sighed.

"Hate is too strong a word , Mill" Harley said ,her eyes not straying from the book in her hand, the same time Pansy said "I wasn't talking about you. There are some of us who have friends"

Millicent, who had once been Pansy's close friend, had a wounded look on her face. Pansy realised the impact of her words a moment too late.

"Look, Millicent, I —"
"I'll leave you two friends to chat" Millicent said as she stomped off.
Pansy sat down on her bed, suddenly very tired.

"That wasn't very nice "
"You think I don't know that? "
"Is making people angry, your special skill? "
"Are you talking about first year? I thought we put that behind us"

"That we did, Pans. But what happened had happened. I can forgive but forgetting is... Anyway my advice? Go and talk to her. You guys used to be besties afterall "
"That's the thing. We used to be. Now we aren't. She's so different from me ..."

"And I suppose you and I are so similar? What about Ana? Neither of us are like her ,but I believe we're friends. You don't have to be similar to someone to be friends with them "

" I suppose I'll just talk to her later " Pansy said sheepishly.
"But about what I said before, Are you going to get Draco something? "She added with much more enthusiasm

"I don't know... "
"What do you mean you don't know? You have to! "
"I don't have to do anything besides my school work right now"

"But Draco gave you a gift for Christmas! "
"And I did too! "

"No, I did. I was the one who came up with the idea and forced you to send him a gift"
"Whatever, it still amounts to the same. Besides birthdays and Christmas is different. "

"Oh come on! Don't be a stubborn mule"
"You will be shocked to find out that mules are stubborn only to protect themselves...  "

"What's that supposed to mean? "
"Nothing. "
"Come on tell me! "

"You think you can win any argument just by keeping quiet don't you? " Pansy asked
Harley grinned at her and did not reply.
Pansy rolled her eyes. And then she left in search of Millicent, giving Harley some peace for a while.


Silence did not win you any arguments, Harley realised, it gets you dragged through numerous shops in Hogsmeade searching for the perfect present to gift a guy when your boyfriend sulked and tagged along despite your friend repeatedly asking him to go away.

Harley picked up a tie, a quite good looking and pricey one, and showed it to Pansy.
"Hey Pans , wouldn't this do the job?"

Pansy grabbed and examined the thing. Then she frowned
"Harley, this thing is probably from the prank department. It would choke the wearer. So no it wouldn't do at all "

"It is more likely from the kink department then" Blaise said with a snort.
Pansy scowled at him then her eyebrows raised softly as if in a sudden realization. "I guess then it could make the perfect gift, if you just combine it with some right things like—"

"Nope. Nope nope nope. Bad plan totally completely stupid plan" Blaise said. Then he picked up a pair of gaudy green socks from the the opposing aisle "How about these? Everyone wants more socks"

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