Before the task

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A/n : 👆 Royal sugar's fleeting love for no reason except for me being a fangirl . The wolf star vibes is just 👌If you didn't know them already go check it out, you can thank me later


The next day Draco woke up in his own bed despite him having no memory of getting there himself. So he knew that Harley had did it. Probably. He kind of liked the idea of her doing something so caring for him, but mostly he was hella embarrassed.

Harley had seen him sleeping. Even worse is that he accidentally fell asleep on her shoulder. And... How did she bring him back to the dorms? Did she carry him? If so then-No. Draco refused to think. It was embarrassing as it is. And everytime he thought about it it he blushed beet red.

Author: Harley did NOT carry Draco to the dorm.She used Mobilicorpus. (Though it'd be nice if she had. Imagine Draco being princess carried )

Then there was the news that the person they thought to be Mad-eye Moody was an extremely loyal deatheater, that real Moody was held a prisoner in his own trunk.
The deatheater was Bartemius Crouch junior, while his father, the senior Barty Crouch was dead.

It was all very shocking. Draco was certain that Harley had gone ahead and dealt with fake Moody. And some other students suspected it too, suddenly there was quite a lot of sympathy for the slytherins mistreated by the fake Moody. Not that Draco liked this kind of fake sympathizers, but it was good to have more people on their side. Toast to Harley for achieving that.

But sadly since it was also found that Barty Crouch Jr aka fake Moody had put Potter's name in the goblet of fire, people were much more sympathetic to him. When Draco was talking (whinnying, really) about it to Pansy, Harley said that it's well deserved sympathy.
Draco didn't think he could hate Potter anymore, but turns out that he could. As they say, sky's the limit.


Harley was fine with all the current developments, but she felt that something was wrong, she just couldn't figure out what. And then there's Harry. He seemed to be thinking along the lines that everything was over and that he'd be fine during the last task, or at least that he'd only face the same dangers as the other participants.

Harley did not think that way. She was pretty sure that something might happen still. Sirius thought that she was over thinking when she mentioned it to him. Harley wasn't convinced.

Against better judgement, Harley asked the Book of everything and anything. But it was as vague as ever.
'It is only the beginning of the end' It said when, Harley asked whether the troubles are over.
It was, needless to say, not very comforting.

Harley was pretty much convinced that the purpose of this God forsaken book was to drive her over the brink of insanity.

She would know years later that her aassumption was quite on the mark.


On the day of last task :

Harry wondered yet again if he should use the felix felicis for the task. When he asked Harley, she insisted that he should take it, even though it is against rules. "It's not like you don't break any rules " she had said .

But Hermione had said that it would give him an unfair advantage -which Harry honestly didn't think as a problem, the others had the advantage of experience - and she also said that he should reserve it for later use.

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