Bonus Chapter : Pansy's loyalties, Harley's boggart & other details

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So I just realized there was somethings that went unexplained as the story progressed in different characters povs.
So I'm just gonna explain it because it's too late to depict them as part of the story at this point. Maybe after finishing this entire thing, I'd do some editing.
For now I hope this will clear any doubts.

1. Pansy's Loyalties.

So when the story starts in the first year, Pansy is a friend of Harley, or at least she's trying to be friendly. But is she actually her friend?
The answer is no.
Harley had sensed that Pansy was absolutely faking it and didn't really like her but just bared  with it.

Pansy tried to be Harley's friend for a reason.  Her name :Harley Black .
Despite the fact that Harley refused having anything to do with the Black family (which is true), Pansy strongly believed that Harley was a Black just like most people.
(Hermione was one of the few who took Harley's words for it)

Pansy had only wanted to be friends with a member of the Black family, which though was currently in a declined state, could regain it's power. Not to mention that Pansy had taken notes of Harley's exceptional talent.
And talent like hers in most situations would give power, in time.

Pansy was simply preparing for the future, making friends of strong people, to create backing for her.

And then incident with the muggle money happened. In that moment we only see the situation from Harley's pov.

Pansy had seen Harley holding muggle money and her first thought was among the lines of 'what the hell is a Black doing with muggle stuff '
Then her bullying instinct kicked in because no proper Black would bother herself with muggle things.

(And yes Pansy is as much of a bully as in the books though It is rarely shown. Harley finds no particular joy in bullying but has helped the others to come up with better insults and all, though she rarely does anything herself)

So yeah Pansy was thinking that since Harley is no Black, she would have no use for her. And what is the use patronizing a useless person? It's better to keep them under her foot.
The trouble was that Pansy forgot for a moment that Harley had more to her than a last name.

But then in the second year Pansy approches Harley again, despite hating her after that incident. Why? Because her family advices her that it wouldn't be wise to make an enemy out of Harley. Just in case she is a Black. Also because she might turn powerful in future and might get revenge.

But then Pansy actually starts to like Harley. Because she saw another side of her. While with Pansy Harley was just bearing with her antics, but with Anabiel aka Gideon became it was entirely another case. Harley saw Moon as a friend. A real friend.

And hanging out with them, made Pansy realize that she too wanted to be friends with the girl.
So yes, now they are more or less good friends. And Pansy is very loyal to both the girls (though little bit more to Anabiel)

2. Harley's boggart

So we have seen that Harley's boggart is herself. But why?

Harley is insecure about herself. Despite all the flaunting and self promotion, she really doesn't think much good of herself. She knows she's a fine witch alright. But she also knows she has questionable morale.

She blames herself for not acting when Sirius was caught. For not being brave enough. And deep inside she too thinks that slytherin is the evil house and her being called the slytherin princess is the equivalent of calling her the evilest person in her mind.

And there's also the fact that she doesn't want others to know this. Her boggart was herself, but a version of her who was proud to be evil. Who exposed all that real Harley considered to be her flaws. Who, if Harley hadn't stitched it's mouth would have boasted about all that real Harley thought to be her worst aspects.

I suppose boggart Harley is something similar to Bellatrix Lestrange. A bit too crazy, and proud to be so. Evil and proud.

So in a word Harley is afraid of going over to the dark side. Because she is tempted. Afterall someone like Harry, the golden boy, wouldn't kill anyone no matter what they did.

But Harley had killed someone and she had no regrets. That scared her.

But after Roan's death it would change. Because Harley would realise that there are worse things than being a dark wizard or a murderer. Things that included finding the rotting body of a beloved person.

Right now, I'm not really sure what form her boggart would take. Maybe I'd just be roan but I doubt that. It's already happened and while it's something that greatly upsets her, Harley is not one to be afraid of past. Even if she dwells on it.

Maybe It'd be a dead Sirius, or Harry, or maybe even Draco in the far future. I'm still working on that.

3. Harley's Patronus

Since I've talked about her boggart, why not patronus next?
So yeah her patronus is a wolf.
But despite the Lupin's relationship to wolves, it has nothing to do with him. Or at least not directly.

The wolf patronus is a product of Sirius's special bedtime stories. Unlike most kids stories where the wolf/werewolf is a bad guy, Sirius made up stories where the wolf is the good guy, the protector.
In his stories the wolves save little kids, do heroic stuff and all.
(The only real story book he used was The jungle book. Because ✨good wolves✨ )

He made those stories even before James and Lily died (so Harry had heard some too, only he doesn't remember) so that the kid won't grow up with prejudices.

And while it worked on creating a prejudice free Harley, it also made wolves her favorite animal.

You know what? I'll do a little flash back story on this. Sirius telling stories and Harley thinking of them years later, is too precious.

Discussing the stuff from the prisoner of Azkaban, there's one more thing. You remember those calming potions?The ones that Harley swore never to take again? Well she doesn't.

Because Snape ensures that Harley doesn't brew anything without his consultation. He lets Harley use his own class room or the common room to brew potions as long as its approved by him. And most times Harley just do that.

But with Anabiel's potion, she couldn't do that. Which is why she asked Hermione for a safe location.

4. Harry /Harley bond

So I've said before that Harley is a parselmouth because her soul is bonded to Harry's. But her parselmouth abilities are much weaker than his because it's entirely depended on Harry's.
Like Harley could talk to snakes but can't really control any of the magical varieties.

But there's actually more important properties to their bond. Like Dumbledore said in some previous chapter , they share their strengths. But they don't share skills. So nothing one learn is going to be helpful to the other (directly)

But Harry is the one thing that actually keep Harley from turning dark. It's not about her loyalty. It about their soul.
Let's just say they're like soulmates for the lack of a better term. They both have complete souls unlike Voldy. But they are a part of one.

Like liver transplant. (one liver is split, a part is given to the person with liversirosis and then both people's liver regenerate and become full liver. So one liver, is turned into two) if it makes any sense.

Anyway there'll be more on this topic later.


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You have to be crazy to not go crazy

So this chapter is made because I'm facing a writers block and had deleted a couple of chapters coz they were just.. Idk weird, shitty...or whatever.

So, sorry my peeps.

PS. As an apology, have a weird cat


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