Beautiful silences

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Draco had almost backed out many times before going to Moody's office. But he sneaked in there in the end. To be absolutely honest, it was done in order to not lose his face, than for making things right with Harley.

True, Draco liked Harley. True, he had agreed to do it to please her. True, he missed talking with Harley... But it was also true that above all that he didn't want to embarrass himself before Harley, again.

So for the first time after the first year, Draco ventured out of the common room in the middle of night. It , his last attempt, was precisely the reason why he didn't repeat it again.
Going to dark forest with that half breed giant in the middle of night was bad enough. But dead unicorns? And people who dare to drink it's blood? Terrible. Three years later he was still afraid of that punishment .

But he'd go through that night ten times over than face Moody. Yet here he was crouching in a dark corner of Moody's room, hoping that his magical eye will not look his way.

It was perhaps a couple of minutes ago that he had finally decided which parchment was the one Harley wanted. It had been lying right on top of table, wrinkled and yellowed as Harley had said. But he wasn't sure. It looked too easy. But searching throughout the drawers of Moody's table, Draco could not find anything else that looked even marginally similar to the description.

When he was finally about to grab the thing and leave, he heard someone enter the room and had immediately hided. Only then did he realise that it had to be Moody and that he could see through things.
But it wasn't like there was many options.

Draco mustered his courage and peeked out a little. To his surprise it was not Moody. He had straw colored hair and was pale, his skin unmarred. Certainly not Moody. But that doesn't mean that he, Draco, is going to be any safer at his hands if caught.
If anything it could be worse. Moody as a teacher at least wouldn't crucio him... Or maybe he would. Who knows?
Draco would not be the one to find out.

As the man went over to Moody's trunk in the other side of the room , Draco ,as quiet as a mouse,  moved towards the table and snatched the parchment. Then he slowly, carefully, made his way to the door.

The door was closed and locked so he whispered 'alohomora' to open it. Then out of an impulse, he turned to glance back at the man. Only to find the man transforming.

The straw colored hair turning darker and longer, the skin being scar ridden...He was turning into Moody. In a moment it became apparent to Draco.
The man was an imposter of Moody. Perhaps ....

The door creaked when Draco opened it, the man whoever it was looked his way. Draco quickly covered his face and ran. Good thing was that he was wearing a hooded cloak. Otherwise his characteristic hair would have made it so very easy to identify him

Draco ran and ran as if the devil was after him. And he was sure that a certain devil would come after him in another minute or so.

He was being followed, he knew. But the man was still far behind. Draco thought up a plan quickly. He took the long way back to the slytherin common room, which 'coincidentally' passed the door to  the hufflepuff common room.

On his way he took of his cloak and shoved it in the helmet of one of the suits of armor nearby, making sure that an edge was peeking out.

And then he ran even faster, because if he was caught this would all be for nothing. He didn't stop running until he opened the door to the common and fell forward, directly on top of Harley.

For a fraction of a second, Draco forgot what had happened, he was too invested in what was happening.
Harley, on the floor beneath him, her hazel eyes that looked like molten gold in the glow of the fireplace locked with his own, as if she was trying to look directly into his soul.

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