The Storm

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Trigger warnings ⚠ :
may or may not be a little too gross.( Depends on how much imagination you have.) Mention of death and assault. And rape. Violence.

PS. Not just a little gross, apparently it can be very triggering to people. So yeah a little heads up


Harley jumped off the Hogwarts express. Roan had to be waiting for her. She waved a quick good bye to Gideon and even allowed herself to be hugged and pecked on both cheeks by Pansy. Why did that girl have to be so extra?

Harley pulled on the straps of her bag as she looked around for Roan. She looked on until the crowd thinned. Until all other Hogwarts students left the station. Until there was only a couple of muggles. None of whom were a young blonde girl.

Roan forgot the date perhaps? Or maybe she's pulled a leaf out of Sirius's book and was just trying to get her riled up? Yeah that must be it. Harley prepared herself for a surprise, it won't be a surprise at that, yes, but Harley liked to be prepared. She hated being shocked.


Harley walked all the way to the orphanage. On the way she stopped to buy boxes of chocolates and cookies to share with Roan and the others. When she finally got there it was almost two in the evening and Harley was bone tired. Maybe if she hadn't have acted like a miser and hired a cab, she wouldn't have been so exhausted..

All she wanted to do was collapse on her bed. But her excitement to see her friend and to tell her all about Sirius kept her up.


Harley looked for Roan in the kitchens. That's where she had her duties this month. But she wasn't there. Maybe she got a break?
Harley checked the gardens and then finally the empty dormitory. Of course no one's there. The lady in charge would have their hides if she saw them being lazy, even if it were holidays.

Harley placed her luggage at her bed and flexed her shoulders before starting to leave. That's when she noticed that Roan's bunk was empty. The bed made, but without blankets or anything.

The various knick knacks Roan always kept on her table were missing. That triggered all sorts of alarms in her head. Harley pulled on the drawers. Nothing. And looked under the pillow. Again nothing. Everything was spotless.

Harley without even thinking dashed out. Something happened. This can't be a prank.

She went through out the orphanage once, ignoring all the people who greeted her. She even checked all the other dormitories. Including the boy's. No sign of Roan.

That's when she started asking. At the mention of Roan, either they backed off, or said they didn't know anything. Which was obviously lies. They knew something.. Something terrible.
With each passing second, Harley's heart dropped further.

Finally she pulled out her wand. She didn't know if it was legal to use magic when out of school during Christmas, if it was illegal she didn't care. She had to find Roan.

She charmed a pebble to lead her to Roan before following it. It lead her to the backyard to the green house. There was a patch of dug up soil. Probably to plant something. Harley had passed through there before Roan was not there.

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