Bonus chapter 1:How Harley became Harley

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James Potter watched his two babies laughing as his best friends held them. The boy was with Remus while the girl was with Sirius. Peter awkwardly stood to the side as neither of the babies really liked being in his arms.

Remus handed the baby boy over to Peter once again. Though the baby tried to cling to Remus, he didn't resist too much. Peter was ovehrjoyed to hold him.

Meanwhile the girl refused to leave Sirius at any cost. She was generally a good natured baby, rarely crying unless she needed something, But when James tried to take her from Sirius, she cried.

Sirius joked that the girl liked handsome men and that's why she didn't go to Peter.
"Then I suppose she wouldn't like me either "Remus said, casually gesturing towards his scars.

Sirius's face instantly clouded. James knew that Sirius liked Remus. Infact James thought that it was pretty obvious. Anyone who watched would be able to understand it. Yet Remus hadn't.
Sirius unceremoniously thrusted the baby into an unexpecting Remus's arms, who in his surprise almost dropped her.

"She'd like you better. You are the handsomest man in this room" Sirius said. But before Remus could say anything, Lily barged into the room looking furious.

"What the hell are you boys doing with my babies? "
She exclaimed, looking at the baby boy floating in air as Peter finally found a way to please him. The baby girl who was caught by Remus before she could actually fall, was in an awkward position in his arms.

"Not just your babies, Lily "Sirius said gesturing to James.
"Yeah not just our babies Lily "James agreed "They belong to all of us"

The marauders cheered at his words.
Lily paused for a moment, processing his words before she smiled. Her eyes had a wicked glint as she looked over them.
"I suppose it's fine. But just so you know, they'd have to get their diapers changed in a while "


Lily held her two precious little babies in her arms as the boys crowded around them, trying to impress the babies.

She and James had decided to name the boy Harry. But they decided to let the boys name the girl .Sirius had suggested that the baby should be allowed to choose who'd get to name her.

Lily understood what he was trying to do. He wanted Remus to name the baby.

After her initial attraction to Sirius, the baby girl had taken a liking to Remus, who would rock her in his arms and her little lullabies. Once Lily had found him leaning over her crib, talking to her of his day,mocking some other wizards while he was at it, as if she were a grown up and the baby for the record was giggling as if she really understood everything .

So yes Remus had a very good chance of getting the chance to name her. Except James was trying too. And the baby girl did love him a lot.

"What are you doing? "Lily hissed at him
"What you named Harry, not me! I should get a fair chance too! "
"No you don't. You are terrible at naming" Lily said as she playfully pushed him away.
James fell on the floor, pretending that it was her push that made him fall. Sadly everyone present in the room was well aware of his love for drama. So they paid him no attention.

"I'm not bad at naming "
"Oh yes you are, do you want me to tell them your suggestions? "

Sirius looked at her expectantly "Just tell us, Evans "
"Mrs Potter to you "James muttered indignantly from the floor. Sirius and Lily ignored him.

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