Mood swings

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"Miss Black, take a seat"
"I am sorry professor "
Harley remained standing as she apologized in advance . She knew she was in trouble.

Severus Snape sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. He was angry. But when the girl looked at him that way, it was not possible to stay mad. She wasn't exactly giving puppy eyes but they were innocent and pleading. Unlike a while ago when she was looking like a wraith.

He had an inkling about what might be happening. Only, how would he tell her? He did not know. But the girl had no guardian so who would tell her if not him?

"Take the seat, don't make me repeat myself "
Harley obediently sat and looked up at him. He sat down in his chair, facing the girl as he collected his thoughts and arranged the words for what he was about to say.

"Miss Black, are you alright? "
"Professor? I don't understand "
Snape took a deep breath.

"What I am asking whether you are facing any difficulties mentally.... Or physically "
"I don't know professor ."
Harley was looking down at her hands her face relaxed yet melancholic. Snape waited for her to continue.

"I know you hate Sirius and think he's bad. Everyone does. I just don't know what to do. "
"Is that all that bothers you? "

"I don't know "
"So you have no explanation for the way you have been behaving? "

"I am not sure professor. I get that I'm being a little unreasonable of late. But I don't know.... Professor can you perhaps help me brew a potion for calming mind? I think I'm loosing it "

Snape was pretty sure that she was not loosing it but simply going through adolescence . But he was also sure by now that he was not equipped to explain that either. So he simply nodded.
Perhaps the potion will help her cope with the stress associated to return of Black .
It would be better if the girl had some female assistance. He wrote a quick letter to madam Promfrey.

"Get this to madam Promfrey. She will be able to help you. "
Harley nodded before leaving, the letter clutched tight in her hand.


Harley ran into Theodore as she made her way to the common room after her little trip to the infirmary.

Her cheeks were flaming red as reminder of the talk she just had. She did know about periods and all. It's just the thought that she had been acting so absurd just because of some teenage hormones that made her embarrassed.

She was not yet on her period but according to madam Promfrey she was close to it. Perhaps in another month or two. Madam Promfrey had suggested meditation or simply counting backwards from hundred when she felt angry.

She had determined to not loose her cool again. Normal or not. Hormones were not going to get the better of her. Besides if she wasn't even able to conquer her own mind, how will she be better than anyone?
No Harley Black did not care for the norms. Because she did not plan to be just another girl .

Theodore Nott stepped away from her muttering an apology. It really wasn't his fault, she was the one who barged in. Harley smiled and apologized to him.

As Theodore left in shock, she realized just how bad the situation was. She had known she was acting horribly but with her mind preoccupied by Sirius and professor Lupin and Roan, she rarely ever thought of herself or the people around her.

She found Gideon staring into the Black lake through the glass window and joined him. When he noticed he flinched but did not react further. Harley felt guilty for the way she had kept him on the edge.

"Gideon... What are you thinking?"
"Nothing much. Just bored .Why?"

"No reason. I  uh I just wanted to say I'm sorry "
Gideon shrugged and turned to look at her. Harley continued looking through the glass wall though there wasn't anything much to see. But secretly she was watching Gideon through the corner of her eyes.

" 't doesn't matter . You feel better now? "
"Not really. I'm just tired of being a douche "

"Ahh.. Well who thought detention with Snape could give one such enlightenment . Maybe Malfoy should get one too , he could use some sudden enlightenment on his douche-ness "
"I didn't get detention "

He raised an eyebrow.
"Wow.. I didn't realize the extent of his favoritism I guess. What took you so long then? "
"He sent me to madam Promfrey"

"For? "
"None of your business "
Gideon did not look upset by that. He was actually in a very good mood. Why, she did not know.

"You know , if I got a knut for everytime you said something is not my business, I would probably be twice as rich as Malfoy by the time we are done with Hogwarts "

Harley snorted .Gideon studied her face.
"Say, Harley, what about I take a guess? "
"You have three attempts "

"I'm pretty sure I'd need only one. It's the lady's thing right? "
Harley groaned ,he was right. Just how did he guess so accurately? She asked him just that. Gideon who was completely cool a moment ago was now blushing a deep scarlet

"I - I uh.. I have a secret, okay? I'll tell you later"
"Is it worse than mine? You know the family one? "

"Worse. Definitely worse. You will probably hate me if I tell you"
"Did you steal my chocolate? "

Gideon looked startled at the seemingly random question.
"No why..?"
"Did you plan on killing anyone? Or harming anyone ? "

"No.. But at times I want to do something to Trelawny, you know to prove a point "
"Mood. I suppose it's not fair not to put it that way. How about are you planning on doing something to me? "

"Obviously no.. What are you-"
"Well then there's no way I'm gonna hate you .So out with the secret "

"It's.. Later Harley. I swear. I'll tell you "
Harley shrugged and did not push him further. The two of them stood together and watched light dance in the waters of the Black lake in comfortable silence.


Gideon wanted to tell Harley so bad. But he wasn't really sure of it himself . He had a feeling that Hardly would not mind if he was a girl.

That was his big secret. Gideon felt that he would be better off as a girl. He knew he was not straight long before. And he had been reading up on such articles for quite sometime.

He was pretty sure that he was infact a she.


So hello everyone.♪
♬ ヾ(´︶'♡)ノ ♬ ♪

I just wanted to say that I'm not that experienced with Lgbt
I have no literally no idea how a trans-person feels or how exactly do they recognize their identity.
So this is probably very weird

If anyone with more knowledge would give me a few pointers, I'd be ever so grateful.

And for the record I might edit this chapter quite a lot in the future as I am in no way satisfied by this.

On a side note tomorrow I'm having Chemistry exams. (+_+)
Ugh. I can't wait to get done with this year (IRL, not the story) .

Thanks for all the support.

Love you all.

♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆

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