Black as in Sirius Black?

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Harley twirled her wand as she sat in the Hogwarts express . It was a gift from Sirius, before he got captured. All she knew about Hogwarts was from Sirius. She always thought that when she goes to Hogwarts Sirius would be there to send her away. She imagined him outside the window now , grinning at her.
She missed him a lot.

She thought of all the pranks he told her about. When he talked about it, he seemed like a hero. He and his friends. Including her real father. She had wanted to be a prankster like them then.

But now , after an year at the orphanage ,she wasn't so sure. She often wondered if they- the marauders - were the bad guys. She felt bad for all those who were at receiving end of those pranks. If she could she would make it up to all of them. At least to the long suffering teachers who had to bear with them since those students would have graduated from Hogwarts long time ago.

If she wanted to be like anyone now, it would be her mother. She didn't know her but Lily seemed more mature than the marauders. Certainly more so than Sirius.

Sirius as a parent was very fun. Frankly he was too fun. He'd sometimes help her prank some unsuspecting muggle kid. Or he'd make elaborate plans for her to get revenge with some kid who teased her. She thought it was all very amazing. But then ,when she got to know how parents normally act, it seemed like Sirius was more like a brother or a friend rather than a parent.

"umm is this seat taken? "

Harley found a boy nervously standing beside her .She put away her wand quickly, she wasn't sure if she should be holding it in here. She was sure that she certainly shouldn't it use considering the fact that first years aren't supposed to know spells. But she did. Because a particular someone didn't Care about rules.

"Not to my knowledge, No"

He sits down on the very edge of the seat. He had a toad in his hands. He was about to say something when a girl rushed in. She was small with a mane of bushy ginger hair.
"Can I join? "

Harley looks to the boy who was holding on to his toad for dear life. The toad seemed dead intent on escaping.
"why not"
"I'm Hermione Granger, nice to meet you. "
"I'm Neville Longbottom"

"I'm Harley. Harley Black. It's my pleasure to meet you .Both of you. " She added with a small smile.

Neville looks startled. His toad took the opportunity to leap. He didn't notice.
"Black as -as in Sirius Black? "

Yep. The very same one. She had chosen the name when she joined the orphanage, the day Sirius was captured. She stopped herself from dwelling on that thought.

"Black as in Black the colour "

She knew all these people thought of Sirius as a villain. And she couldn't do anything about it, not now anyway. She didn't want to deal with all these people who hated him. She knew it wasn't really their fault but that didn't mean that she was okay with it . She looked out the window. The train was still in the station. There's still plenty of time.

Several groups of parents and children were still there talking and saying goodbies . Hermione moved closer to the window.

"That's my parents, over there "
Hermione smiled and waved to her parents and they waved back.
Harley smiled but her smile lost the warmth now. She's probably the only one who is alone here.

"Are they muggles? "
Hermione's smile wavered.
"Why do you ask? "
Harley shrugged nonchalantly.
"They just looked like it "

Neville looked like he wanted to say something but didn't utter a word. Harley continued to stare out the window. Maybe it wasn't really a nice thing to ask but it wasn't necessarily a rude question. Granger was being oversensitive.

She noticed a scrawny boy with glasses with a bunch of red heads. Her brother. Harry. She knew even without seeing the scar. Of course she does, because to her he's much more than the boy who lived. They were two parts of a whole. From this far she couldn't even see his eyes. But she knew she'd find bright bottle green eyes if she got close enough.

She had been longing to see him for God knows how long. Her twin.. But he didn't know. She wondered how she'd tell him. Telling him 'Hi Harry, I'm your twin', didn't seem like a good idea but she couldn't say that she had considered it.

She would have brooded on itmore but something landed on her lap and she was forced back into reality . She had swatted it aside on reflex only to realise it was Neville's toad, but the toad was already flying so nothing could be done. Thankfully it didn't fly out the window.

"Trevor! "
Neville jumped out of his seat and started looking around. Harley felt a little panicky. What if the toad was hurt?
"Oh, I'm so sorry Neville "
"You should be "
It was Granger who replied as Neville frantically searched.

It was soon evident that it was not in their compartment. It was Harley who suggested that they should look into other compartments. Granger agreed but she insisted rather stiffly that Harley had done more than enough.

Under other circumstances she might have said something back but she was at wrong here. So she stayed quiet and stayed behind as the other two checked in compartment after compartment.

"—I’m Hermione Granger, by the way,
who are you?”
“I’m Ron Weasley,” someone muttered.
“Harry Potter”

Harley had stayed behind listening to Hermione boast in a dazed state until she heard a certain word. Harry Potter

She peeked in. And there he was in all his lanky and gangly glory. He was scrawny in a malnourished way, his clothes way too old and baggy, and his glasses were taped together. She resisted the urge to go there and fix it for him.

This was not the brother she expected. He looked nothing like the chubby baby in the photos. And his aesthetic - it was not his fault but Harley was a little appearance oriented. But she was nevertheless happy to finally see him. Because no matter what he looks like he's her brother.

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