Investigatory projects

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Harley waited patiently for Draco to leave the common room but instead he fell asleep. Which was not really a problem since all she wanted to do was to check the Marauder's map.
The problem was that Draco unconsciously leaned against her shoulder in his sleep.

Ideally, Harley would just push himoff but now... If he woke up now she'll have to wait again. Of course she could have just walked away without bothering about him but... Draco had looked so sad, so lonely...

Harley might not be a good person or a good friend (or a girlfriend ) but she wasn't ungrateful or rude.
And if she left now, not bothering about Draco, she would be both rude and ungrateful. And she'll also hurt him.

While she might be someone who could enjoy other people's sufferings at times, she did not necessarily liked hurting people needlessly.

So Harley tried rather awkwardly to free her hand so as to take out her wand. Somehow she managed to get off the couch and lay Draco on it, without disturbing his sleep.

Then finally, finally, she took the Marauders Map, tapped her wand against it and whispered "I solemnly swear that I'm up-to no good "

The first place Harley checked was Moody's office, fully expecting his name to not be there. But thinking that there was a possibility of finding the imposter there.
Except Moody was there. Alastor Moody was apparently right there in his office. But... That shouldn't be it. Draco's words had pretty much confirmed that someone was pretending to be Moody. So what the hell is Moody doing right there in the office?Unless...

With renewed enthusiasm Harley scrutinized the map. Absent mindedly looking through the names. Most of the students were in their dormitories .The Weaslely twins were in kitchen. Peeves was on the second floor being chased by Filch and his cat. And two students were in a closet? Wow, Filch just barely missed them. Those two apparently had really good luck.

Harley expected the two to get out of the closet once Filch was out of sight but they didn't. She checked the names again. Both boys. Oh, so they were still in closet.
Harley was quite entertained but sadly she had other matters to attend to .

As she finally reached the dungeon level, she saw a familiar name that had no business at the castle. You guessed it. Barty Crouch.
Now there's only one thing left to do—verify her theory.
Harley quietly left the common room after casting a spell for invisibility over her.


Harley walked through the empty corridors with silent footsteps .The night was rather eerie, most of the torches that lit up the hallways were extinguished since even the last of the patrolling prefects have gone to bed.

The upper floors would be lit in moon light, but down in the dungeons, there was no such luck. Only shadows and darker shadows.

Harley didn't dare use Lumos for the fear of attracting unwanted attention. She had quite good vision even in dark.

Hearing a movement in the nearby corridor, Harley paused, even her breathing was stopped. But it was only the Weasley twins  going back to their dormitories. They didn't notice her presence even as they passed by her.

Being so close to the two trouble makers, Harley suddenly remembered the prank they had pulled on her in her first. She still hadn't done anything to pay back.  Because she had almost forgotten about it.

Well if situation allows, she will make amends for that little negligence on her part, tonight itself.

Nearing the stairs Harley checked the map again. Barty Crouch was just around the corner it seemed. Holding her breath, Harley peeked around the corner to find -yep. Moody.

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