The final task

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Harry entered the maze, feeling more confident than he ever felt in his life. What could hurt him anyway? He had survived dragons and drowning, he had survived Voldemort thrice and now he didn't even have to worry about Voldemort because his sister managed to foil the plans of Barty Crouch Jr.

And most importantly, he has Felix Felicis.
Even if Harry didn't win , Hogwarts would definitely win. He was hindered percent sure of that. And he will be happy enough if Cedric won, certainly it will be better than Krum or Fleur winning.

Still, Harry would like to win the tournament him. He could actually win at this rate. Statistics would prove that, or would they? ... Harry wouldn't really know ,Hermione might be more qualified to present such proofs.


Moving through the maze the first obstacle Harry encountered was Lethifold. Not that he knew what it was or how dangerous it could be. Or maybe considering all that Harry has been through, it was just another day.

He watched with a equal parts curiosity and repulsion as the cloak like thing moved slowly over the grass making it's way towards him.

Harry had absolutely no idea what to do. But he had to do something. He would have preferred to take some time to wonder what it was, he had feeling that he had read about something similar in one of Harley 's books before .But he didn't have the time.

When in doubt ,Expelliarmus is the best choice. Except... It didn't seem to phase the thing even a bit. Okay then the next best choice - patronus.

A silver stag pranced out the tip of Harry's wand, illuminating the surroundings in its light. And then it kicked the cloak like creature , which somehow sunk into the walls of the maze and disappeared. The stag slowly dissipated into the air.
Harry was thankful that patronuses seemed to know what has to be done even when the caster didn't.

Moving forward, Harry met Cedric who warned him about blast ended skrewts before going through another way.

Harry passed through a fog where for a moment the earth and sky reversed and he was hanging by his feet from the ground to the sky. Harry had a feeling that this could be an illusion. Harley was quite sure that at least one  illusion would be in the maze.

"The trick to breaking an illusion", Harley said, "often lies with the mind. Do what you think you shouldn't. Or perhaps you should just follow your stupid impulse ,considering that you are a gryffindor"

And currently his impulse was to walk forth. So he did that, closing his eyes, in the fear that he might fail, only for everything to be normal once he took a step.

Moving forward, Harry heard a scream. Harry wondered if he should help. It was either Cedric or Krum since it definitely wasn't a girl's voice. Then he remembered the mistake he made in the previous task. These things are not that dangerous. They could always shoot sparks and be done with it. Harry didn't have to run after them.

Just as he came to this conclusion another scream reverberated through the air. A scream so full of pain that Harry forgot about all that he thought of, forgot all the advices he got, and ran blasting through the brambles with Reductor curse.

Victor Krum was practically set on fire by... You guessed it ... one of Hagrid's blast ended skrewts . The thing was huge. Bigger than a man by a vast difference .Of course it would be huge, when has Hagrid ever loved something small? Harry thought, thinking back on the dragons, fluffy and the huge ass spider (aka acromantula) in second year ..

Harry casted aguamenti on Krum and impedimenta the blast ended skrewt in record speed (for him that is). A drenched and smoking Krum with singed hair and no eyebrows looked at Harry in wonder as his (Harry's) spell somehow managed to hit the unprotected underside of the skrewt.

Krum stared at Harry for about a minute, over the Blast ended skrewt, nothing but pure wonder in his eyes. Then he profusely thanked him .

Harry and Krum went their own ways.  Harry encountered a great flock of fairy like creature which had twice the number of limbs, i.e , four arms and four legs which tried to bite him. Harry ,as high on liquid luck as he was , had no problem blasting them away with a column of fire.

(A/n : those things would be Doxies. They prefer cold, so fire would be their for.)

Then Harry faced a sphinx ,a lady with the body of a lion (or is it a lioness with the head of a woman, Harry wondered). The sphinx gave him a riddle which he had to solve to move forth.

Harry solved it and moved forward, towards the center of the maze where the golden trophy was placed. There was no one else in sight.


Just as Harry was about to grab the cup, someone sent a curse his way. Harry quickly moved sidewards, because of his instincts and narrowly avoided getting stunned.
When Harry looked, it was Krum.
"Sorry Potter, but I vant to vin this "

Krum casted locomotor wibbly on Harry, probably because he didn't really want to hurt him. But Harry knew the counter curse.
He undid the hex and reached for the cup —the same time Krum did.

They both touched the cup from the opposite sides in the very same moment. Harry felt a knot beneath his naval and a quick tug. And suddenly they were no more in the maze.


Hi Guys,
I'm sorry for the delay but exams and all that drama was happening. The next chapter would follow quick unless my phone gets confiscated (because I've got shit scores this exam.  An all time low for me )

Oh and tomorrow (roughly 15hr from now) I'm going for a couple of literary competition . If I win something, I'll do a special chapter.
And yes, that's me bribing you to wish me luck.

Well that's all. Have a good day /night
Love you all

Harley Potter and her world famous twinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora