The Dueling Club

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The start of the dueling club was....... Interesting.
Harley cheered and whistled as professor Snape made Lockhart fly over. It was extremely cool. And it helped that she hated Lockhart with a passion. As for the reason.. Well it's pretty much self explanatory.

Pansy caught her eyes and mouthed "awesome " .Harley nodded. It truly was. She inwardly groaned when he started boasting again. Seriously how can someone be so thick skinned? Then she looked at the girls practically fawning over him. Thick heads loving a thick skinned.

Harley was partnered with Hermione. She would not have minded Hermione except for the fact that she seemed to be in the 'Lockhart fan club' which technically amounted to 'Brain-less club'.  Maybe she should donate a few brain cells considering the lack of it in her immediate surroundings.

Harley bowed to Hermione with utmost elegance, ankles crossed, while Hermione just lowered her head. She immediately felt stupid. It somehow seemed like Hermione had more power. That won't do.

Lockhart stared counting. One —two—

On three ,Hermione's wand flew out of her hand and hit the wall. Harley didn't show any change in her expression as she summoned the wand back and gave it to Granger who took it with a polite 'thanks'. She seemed to be in shock. Understandable.

Harley's execution of the disarming spell might not be as good as that of Professor Snape but she was good. And she knew it.


Harry was a parselmouth, Harley realized as soon as he made the snake back off. Harley wasn't really surprised. She wouldn't be surprised even if she were to find out her brother could fly.

But she did find it unfair. They were twins yet he had the better set of skills. Yes, she was way ahead of him in class but that doesn't count. He could catch up if he tried. But being a parselmouth?  You can't train yourself into one. Which is a real pity considering how much she liked snakes.

Finch-fletchley dramatically stormed off, Harley picked up the now-docile snake. It was a truly gorgeous specimen with chromatic green eyes and black scales which had a hint of silver. Just enough to make it shimmer a little.

The entire group had their eyes on her which made her irritated but she maintained her composure.

"Miss Black, allow me" The words were from Snape.

She had originally planned to keep the snake and if it were Lockhart who asked she would have happily ignored him. But it was professor Snape.

Harley sighed and extended her arms, which had the snake draped over them.
"Is it necessary professor?" She asked as she ran a hand over the snake. But she already knew the answer.

Snape didn't answer her. Instead he made the snake vanish in a black puff. She looked down at her empty arms and sighed.
Then she brightens on a second thought Serpensortia.... She could manage that. The problem is taming. Only if Harley was a parselmouth like dear old Harry. But no, she was hundred percent sure she had no fabulous skills.

Oh well. You work with what you have.


"Harley are you really the heir? "

Gideon flinched back at the piercing glance which was about the only response he got. They were sitting together in the courtyard, Harley reading something and him repeatedly asking her the same question.

He didn't really think that Harley will kill someone but that's one of the reasons he felt that she could be the heir. The victims were only petrified and it could be reversed. He knew Harley is not someone very soft. She's not a bad person but she was also not a completely good person either.

He didn't really mind that. Only hypocrites would think that the world was black and white. It wasn't. There's only different shades of grey. But he didn't know if Harley was leaning towards the darker side.

"Harley please. Yes or no? "
Her face showed pure annoyance before she closed her book and walked away. Gideon followed her.

He just had to know. It didn't matter what the answer was. True he didn't have the purest blood but he knew if it's Harley, she wouldn't harm him much. But he hoped that the answer will be a firm no. He didn't think that he could take it well if his only friend was a muggle hater.

But he wouldn't tattle tale on her even if she was. He'd try to persuade her .(seeing the current situation though he was pretty sure that persuasion simply does not work on Harley Black) only if she just answered him...

The slytherin common room was empty when they got there. Harley was about to go to the girl's dorms. This would be his last chance for the day. He had to use the trump card he had been reserving..

Gideon caught Harley's arm. She looked back.
"Are we even friends Harley? Do I not even deserve a word? "
His eyes had teared up a bit and he tried his best to look like a kicked puppy. Let her feel a little guilty for ignoring him like that.

Harley looked right into his teary eyes.
"Don't deserve " She deadpanned.

To say that Gideon was stunned would be an understatement. This move always worked in movies. Maybe it was because he wasn't good looking .

Harley watched the boy's expression change from faked pitiful puppy to actual hurt. She could almost feel his insecure thoughts.
Harley was initially very mad. Gideon had proclaimed himself as her best friend yet he didn't have a bit of trust in her. But she didn't like giving people emotional damages. So she let her fury melt.

She wordlessly held his arm and steered him towards the couches by the elbow.
"What makes you think so? "
"Huh? "

"That I'm Slytherin's heir? "
"It's not my idea..." He didn't complete the sentence when he noticed the look in her eyes.
"What I mean I don't entirely believe it. But... "

"But what? I need the full list, before I consider refriending you"
"Refriend me? "
Harley simply nodded once. Gideon gulped and started listing off.

"For one thing you are a Black. And you know the reputation of the family better than me "
Harley didn't even bother correcting him.
"Then you sort of disappeared quite a while before the words appeared on the wall during Halloween. Not to mention that we couldn't find you till morning. And the girls say, no one heard you come back.
You are also a little cold and looks a bit villainous, with that rarely showing expression thing you have.
And you are amazing in literally everything. I'm sure that if you want you could do any of the spells in the textbook as well as any book in the library.
And Snape likes you. Don't look at me like that it's not that hard to spot. Snape has the worst reputation among the teachers and his favor doesn't really increase your favorablity  in other houses.
Oh and that snake incident. That combined with blasting off Granger's wand...
Well I think that's enough? "

Harley rubbed her temple looking at the idiot in front of her, she had no words to say.
"I'm not the heir. I'm not pure blood either. As for all the bullshit you just spouted I don't give an eff"

Harley walked to the dorms.
"Are we still friends? "
She did not pause ."Yes"

Harley Potter and her world famous twinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin