Third year

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Gideon noticed that Harley was not herself the moment he saw her in the Hogwarts express. Her eyes were wandering but not seeing anything. That was very unlike her.

The Harley he knew observed everyone and everything even when she pretended to be bored. But today she was so out of her mind that she was positively startled when he waved a hand in front of her face.

"Earth to Harley "
She sighed.

"Hello Gideon, when did you get in? "
"Excuse me? The train started like an hour ago."

"You have been here that long ?"
"You think I just flew in through the window then? "

"Not entirely impossible... " She sighs again "Sorry I didn't notice "

"It's all fine really"
Harley smiled a bit but it was not sincere. It was very obvious that something was bothering her a lot.

"Are you going to tell me what happened? "
"Huh? "

"I know something happened. Don't lie to me. "
"I didn't even say anything.. And nothing happened "

"And there it is. You lied. See I can predict pretty good "
"I am not lying. Nothing happened.. I'm just worried about something that might happen "

"Care to elaborate? "
"Nope" Harley shrugged, readjusting the strap of her pink and purple sun dress. It felt a bit weird to see the 'oh so lethal' Harley in a pink dress.

"Seriously? I thought we were friends "
"It does not concern you. And you should stop using that card again and again. I've grown immune to that. "

Gideon chose to stay silent. It was true what Harley said. He'd been insecure about their friendship at first. But even when he wasn't he used the word to manipulate Harley into being more open with him.

They remained mostly silent for the rest of the journey. He was starting to get more or less comfortable with silence. With Harley's tendency to suddenly be quiet, it was a necessity.

Harley turned to him when the train suddenly came to a stop.
"Oh, I haven't changed yet!"
Gideon looked outside, they were yet to reach the school and then the lights went off. Harley's wand lit up. He involuntarily gasped, it was his first time seeing a nonverbal spell.

Then as quick as they went off the lights were back and the train started forth. As if nothing happened. But things did happen, only the two children caught up in their own world, were oblivious to it.


As they made their way to the carriages, pulled by something invisible, Gideon noticed the golden trio looking at them. He pulled at Harley's sleeve to get her attention.

When she glanced at them, Harry Potter looked weak but gave a little wave when he caught their eyes. Harley raised her hand in a two finger salute in acknowledgement.

The Granger girl ran up to them while the Weasley stared in outright hostility.

"Hello Harley "
"Hi, how was your summer "

"Great. Uh.. Can I speak to you? "
"You are doing exactly that "

"I mean alone"
Harley looked at him. He just shrugged. "I don't mind. Go ahead "

Granger took Harley's hand to lead her away. But Harley did not move.
"I think it's fine, anything you want to say ,you can say in his presence "
"Are you sure? "

"As always "
Hermione Granger nodded. She looked flustered enough that Gideon felt it would be better if he just left. But Harley held his hand discreetly. Partly stopping him from leaving and partly letting him know that she needed him.

Harley Potter and her world famous twinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum