Korean Consonant Pronunciations

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How do we write the korean pronunciations?
Easy. There is a rule to all these korean proounciation.

You take the consonant and add it to the vowel ㅣ(ee) and take the same vowel and add it to the end of ㅡ (eu)

So for example, if its the aphabet F: fee-euf
But there is an exception to ㄱ,ㄷ, and ㅅ

ㄱ: 기역 (gi-yeok)
ㄴ: 니은 (nee-eun
ㄷ: 디귿 (dee-geud)
ㄹ: 리을 (lee-eul)
ㅁ: 미음 (mee-eum)
ㅂ: 비읍 (bee-eub)
ㅅ: 시옷 (shee-ot)
ㅇ: 이응 (ee-eung)
ㅈ: 지읒 (jee-eut)
ㅊ: 치읓 (chee-eut)
ㅋ: 키읔 (kee-euk)
ㅌ: 티읕 (tee-eut)
ㅍ: 피읖 (pee-eup)
ㅎ: 히읗 (hee-eu)

ㄲ ~ 쌍기역 (ssaang-gee-yeok)
ㄸ ~ 쌍디귿 (ssaang-dee-geud)
ㅃ ~ 쌍비읍 (ssaang-bee-eub)
ㅆ ~ 쌍시옷 (ssaang-shee-ot)
ㅉ ~ 쌍지읒 (ssaang-jee-eut)

As you can see, some letters aren't pronounced the same when they are at the ending consonant. That is because it isn't physically possible for koreans to end it that way.

The most well known would be 'ㅇ'. This makes an 'ng' sound when at the end = 정 (jung)

'ㅅ' 'ㅈ' 'ㅊ' all makes a 't' sound at the end of the word because your tongue is hitting the roof of your mouth to close the sound off.

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