Basic Alphabet: Vowels

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Vowels (모음: mo-eum)

Usually when Koreans recall their vowels, they go in this order:

How to pronounce these??

ㅏ~ ah/a (as in art)
ㅑ~ ya
ㅓ~ eo (as in saw)
ㅕ~ yeo
ㅗ~ o (as in oh)
ㅛ~ yo
ㅜ~ u (as in moo)
ㅠ~ yu (as in you)
ㅡ~ eu
ㅣ~ ee/ii (as in meet)

If you see the pic for this page, that is how you correctly write the Korean vowels

The Base letters are ㅏㅓㅗㅜㅡㅣ
As you can see the ㅛㅠ (and the rest of the complex vowels) are just an addition to the base letters.

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