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byun_baekki님의 쳅터! (Means: your chapter ^-^)
There will be some 복습 first ^-^

From the chapter people we learned

유치원, 초등학교, 중학교, 고등학교, 대학교

학생, 초등학생, 중학생, 고등학생, 대학생, 유치원생

친구, 여자친구, 남자친구, 선배, 후배, 선생님, 쌤, 담임 선생님, 교장 선생님

And in chapter subjects and other counties we leared
The subjects in school and
수업, 교시, 일교시 / 첫교시, 이교시, 마지막 교시

Last in chapter house we learned
책상, 의자, 종이, 연필, 볼펜, 지우개, 연필통, 책, 자, 책가방
If you can read and understand these words.. good! ^-^

Now~ some other things in school
Blackboard ~ 칠판 (chil-paan)
Soccer Field ~ 축구장 (chook-goo-jaang)
Gym ~ 운동장 (oon-dong-jaang) (usually korean schools dont have a field, but dirt and is used for every sport. And like international schools, korean schools dont have a gym building. So they call that dirt patch 운동장)
Sissors ~ 가위 (ga-we) ~ read 'we' the english way
Notebooks ~ 공책 (gong-chek)
Highlighter ~ 형광펜 (hyeong-gwang-pen)
Folder ~ 폴더 (pol-deo)
School food ~ 급식 (geub-shiik)
Bell ~ 종 (jong)
Late to school ~ 지각 (jee-gak)
Leaving school early ~ 조퇴 (jo-twe) like leaving school cuz u r sick etc.
Quitting school ~ 자퇴 (ja-twe)
Expelled ~ 퇴악 (twe-ak)
Suspended ~ 정학 (jeong-hak)
Transfer schools ~ 전학 (jeon-hak)

Plz comment below things u want to know that i forgot to add ^-^

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