Introducing Yourself

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*Note ~ write all the 복습 down. It will help you review the sentences :)

Finally. You learn all these words. You are ready to go to Korea. You arrive. Hel-lo~ Korea! And your guide comes up to you and say "안녕하세요. 저는 geurimy 입니다. 서른두 살입니다"... blah blah blah blah blah and you are just like... WhAt?????
So~~~~~ that's why we will learn how to introduce yourself~

First offf. What is introduce? It is 소개 (so-gae)

What did this guide say to you?
안녕하세요. 저는 geurimy 입니다.
Lets break it down. In this statement... we know one word '저' > remember? The formal way of saying I. What's the letter next to 저? 는 (neun) is kind of like a helping verb : 저는 ~ I am.

Ok. Then everyone already know what 안녕하세요 is. Yes Hello. (An-nyeong-ha-se-yo)

(ib-nii-da)입니다 is like a predicate (서술어 ~ seo-sool-eo) it's really complicated..

Just think it like an ender of a sentence. I can't really tell you what it means other then 'end of sentence'.. because english doesn't have such thing T-T

Next. 서른두 살입니다
Wait.. I saw that before!! Yep it's native korean numbers. 서른둘? ~ 32.

What is (saal)? Its a measure word for age, or basically 'years-old'. So native number + 살 = your age. Then 서른두살 is? 32 years old yes!
(No im not 32 years old. I told u already how old I am)

입니다 again~~~ acting as an 'am'

복습.(it means review)
안녕하세요. 저는 geurimy 입니다. 서른두살 입니다.
Hello. I am geurimy. I'm 32 years old.


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