Unit 1.13 - Korean Particles 2 (2)

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As promised

Korean Particles (to) ~에게/한테/께

These three particles can all be used to indicate that you are doing (usually giving) something TO somebody.

에게, 한테 and 께 all have the same meaning
but ~한테 is usually used in conversation,

~에게 is usually written (although it is still said in conversation very often)

~께 is used when the person you are giving something to requires respect (께 is the honorific form of 에게/한테).

아버지는 아들에게 돈을 준다
= The father gives money to his son

나는 학생들한테 한국어를 가르쳤어
= I taught Korean to the students

저는 부장님께 그 사실을 말할 거예요
= I will tell that (fact) to my boss

Note that just because you use ~께 doesn’t mean that your sentence needs to end in a polite way.
~께 is used when the person who is being given is of high importance, regardless of who you are talking to.
For example, if I was a teacher, talking to my student, talking about something being given TO the principal, I could say:

이 책을 교장선생님께 줘.
= give this book to the principal.

Korean Particles (from): ~에게서 and ~(으)로부터

You learned in Lesson 12 that ~에서 can be used to mean “from” in a wide variety of situations.
~에게서/한테서 can also have the translation of “from,” but they are used in a more restricted way.

~에게서/한테서 has the meaning that is opposite of ~에게/한테/께, which means it is used when somebody receives something from somebody.

These particles are attached to the person from whom one receives something from.

나는 나의 여자친구에게서 편지를 받았어
= I received a letter from my girlfriend

The “thing” that is being received doesn’t need to be something physical. It could be something abstract like stories, explanations, or other things:

저는 그것을 친구한테서 들었어요
= I heard that from my friend

It is wayyy more common to use 한테서.

A very similar particle is ~(으)로부터. This particle can also be attached to the person from whom one receives something from. For example:

나는 나의 여자친구로부터 편지를 받았어
= I received a letter from my girlfriend

저는 그것을 친구로부터 들었어요
= I heard that from my friend

저는 친구들로부터 사랑을 많이 받았어요
= I received a lot of love from friends

아버지로부터 선물이 왔어요
= A present came from my father

~(으)로부터 can also be used when receiving something from a non-person thing (a company/the government/etc). For example:

나는 돈을 정부로부터 받았어
= I received money from the government

이것을 하늘로부터 받았어요
= I received this from the sky

However, you cannot use ~에게서/~한테서 to indicate that you received something from a non-person.

To summarize, ~(으)로부터 can be used to indicate that one receives something from a person or non-person. ~에게서 and ~한테서 have a similar meaning, but can only be used when one receives something from a person.

This chapter was rushed due to sunnylastic's followers hitting 600. The chap was suppose to be longer, but I cut it in two and so unit 1.13 (3) will go up next.

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