Hard Alphabet: Double Vowels

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Double Vowels (쌍모음: ssang-mo-eum)

How to pronounce?

ㅐ~ e (like said)

ㅒ~ yae

ㅔ~ e (sounds the same with ㅐ)

ㅖ~ ye

ㅚ~ oe (wae) (same concept. o and ae together.)

ㅘ~ wa (you can see that ㅗ~ o and ㅏ~ a is stuck together. Pronounce those two together. o-a and just add a w.)

ㅙ~ wae (sounds the same with ㅚ)

ㅟ~ wi (wee) (same concept. u and ee)

ㅝ~ wueo (same concept. u and eo together)

ㅞ~ wue (weh) (same concept. u and e)

ㅢ~ eui (same concept. eu and ee)

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