Ultimatum {1}

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Lucian(The POV's will be alternating between characters)

"Son, you're almost 27 and I'm almost 57. I'm not getting any younger and neither are you. You need to start getting involved with things other than work."

I almost rolled my eyes at my Father. "By involved with other things you mean women?"

He laughed. His eyes crinkled at the sides making him seem older than before. He reclined further into the plush leather couch and jingled his empty glass of ice, signaling the maid for more liquor. "You've got to understand that I only have the best intentions for you, son."

The maid scurried forward and poured a small amount into the cup but once my father motioned for more, she filled the short glass to the brim. She curtsied, then ran off, closing the door to the office on her way.

I leaned forward on the couch carefully so as not to wrinkle my finely pressed suit as the leather seat squeaked beneath me. Clasping my hands together I said. "You don't have to interfere in my life, dad. I'm happy being an independent man with a few girlfriends on the side. All women want is money and fame. Isn't that what you said when mom left?"

My mother left me when I was 6 and when my father's company was at its best. Before she left she had taken a sum of over millions of dollars from my father and ran away with a low life scum who had impregnated her. Ever since then my father had been sour around women and often told me that they would only marry for money and leave in the end.

My father's forehead turned to a wrinkled map of lines. "Son, you know I was only talking about your mother. I was grieving. I loved her. Not all women are gold diggers and one day you will find a wife worthy of inheriting the King name."

I nodded as always. "Sure. One day. Just not today." I looked down at my watch and frowned. "I've got to go. I have an appointment with a client from Italy."

"Not so fast. It's already late at night. Postpone the meeting." He motioned for me to sit back down, and then I recognized the look on his face. He was going to tell me something I wasn't going to like. At all. "We need to talk."

I raised a hand to my nose and pinched the bridge impatiently, trying to rid the headache that bloomed between my eyes. "We already talked. I have to go."

"I'm giving you a month."

"A month for what?" But I already knew what he was walking about.

"I give you a month to get engaged. No more, no less." He said. His lips turned down into a sour frown like he hated what he was about to say next.

"Or what?"

"Or else, you will never work a day in King Enterprises again." He sighed as if it took a great deal to get that off his chest.

I snapped. "What the actual hell, dad. What type of prank are you playing on me?" I ran my hands through my jet black hair, worry already etched in my features. I knew he was serious though. My father never jokes around. "And so if I get married. That's it?"

He took in a sharp breath. "If you get married, I will step from from the position as CEO and give you the spot. It is my company, anyhow. But once you marry, it will become yours."

Mine. The company he worked so hard to establish. The company that is worth billions of dollars and is supported by the government. He would give it all to me. If I get married.

I stood up abruptly and grabbed my briefcase so hard my knuckles turned white. "I'll see you later, dad." I said through gritted teeth.

"One month, son!" He called after me. I heard him sip his liquor and mutter under his breath. "I hope I'm not making a mistake."

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