All Eyes On Them {7}

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Alesandra's POV
All eyes were on me. All eyes should always be on me, and now they finally were. Lucian's going to propose today. I already knew it as soon as he told me about the Gala. I mean come on, throwing such a large party just because of a signed contract?

The bulbs on the cameras flashed: Paparazzi. I stretched my lips into a dazzling smile and gripped Lucian's arm tightly. It was a pain walking down these marble steps with 6 inch heels on. But it's totally worth it.

As soon as Lucian and I dropped down from the last step, a wild cheer erupted.  The crystal chandelier's bright lights illuminated the mansion, shining on every face.

Lucian cleared his throat. "Thank you all for coming. This gala may very well be the most memorable of them all." He winked at me and the guests went wild. They were on to him. "Ma maison est ta maison." He beamed as the guests applauded at his fluent and sweet sounding French: My house is your house.

Then the party started up again. And Lucian and I were off greeting guests and sipping daintily on our champagne. We stopped in front of a couple, the man had light brown hair, blue eyes and flushed lips whereas the woman had extremely fair hair, big brown eyes and nude lips.

"Ales, this is Quince Evergreen of Evergreen Enterprises and his wife, Ophelia Evergreen." With a smile, Quice stretched his hand out for a shake.

After we shook hands, Lucian and I said bye and sauntered off to greet Lucian's father who stood with a group of people.

"Hello Mr. King.  It's such a pleasure finally getting to see you!" I extended my hand to his hand that wasn't holding a champagne glass.

"Ahh, Alesandra, is it?" He grinned, his crows feet wrinkling at the corner of his eyes.

I nodded and smiled, taking in the many pure gold rings and emeralds lining his fingers. I wonder how much they would sell for.

Lucian cleared his throat. "Thank you for coming, father."

A flash of surprise passed across Lucian's dad's face. "Of course I would. Today's a very special day." He winked at me. I suppressed the smirk that tugged at my lips.

"Well, It was so nice seeing you, sir."

Mr. King raised his eyebrow and took a drink from his glass. "Please call me Tal."

I grinned. Score. Lucian's dad already took a liking to me. "Well, we must be going to greet our guests, Tal." Unexpectedly, I gave him a  small hug and walked off with Lucian. The closer I seem to want to get to know Tal, the better.

After about an hour, my feet began to hurt. "Babe, I think I may need to switch into my other outfit now."

Lucian paused. "Maybe wait a few more minutes, love?" He adjusted his tie. "Please?"

He obviously needed time to get the proposal right. "Of course, dear." Smiling, I ushered him over to another group of people. This night would be perfect.

Malea's POV
It was almost like time froze, each second ticking by as if it were an hour. My throat went dry as everyone stopped what they were doing and faced the star couple in the center of the room. Lucian and Ales.

Lucian had gotten down on one knee, his finely pressed suit wrinkling at the back of his knee. A small blue velvet box in his hand, open, showing a large ring with diamonds, crystals and emeralds which reflected off the light. Ales stood in front of him, tears brimming her full eyes and threatening to spill. She had her hands pressed dramatically onto her lips in astonishment and surprise. There was something about how she looked at him.

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