Will You...{43}

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Malea's POV

"Now everyone who brought a present, please put it on the table in the far corner." My mother pointed to a table that was already overflowing with gifts.

I quickly dropped the recorder into the decorated box Lucian brought with him and closed it. "I'll be right back. Once I put this on the table, we can go home."

"Okay." Lucian placed a kiss onto my lips before I left.

With me, a swarm of other guests followed with their large gifts. I caught my mother's eye as I dropped the gift. She looked away.

Quickly, I walked over to Lucian and pulled him out of the building. We are done here.

"So did she admit to what she did?" He asked as he opened the passengers side for me as usual. I got in and situated my seatbelt just as he settled in the drivers seat.

"She did. And I still have both copies." I smirked and pulled out the second recorder from my bra. "Just in case."

Lucian chuckled as we turned out of the parking lot. "I hope this is enough to convince your family because if it doesn't, I'm ready to go back to New York."

I sighed just as Lucian took my hand in his. I glanced down at our hands intertwined. His large hand covering mine and the bareness of my fingers taunting me. I turned to look at him and a smile made its way onto my face. "Don't worry. Whether or not they believe the recording, we leave California in two days. I think I'm done here. I'm ready to head straight to bed as soon as we get home."

Lucian tsked. "Not yet. I'm making us dinner when we get home."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious?"

Lucian laughed and took a right. "Are you doubting me?" I couldn't help but notice the nervousness in his smile.

"No. But if you're cooking, then I'm helping because I don't think I'd like it if the house burnt down." I giggled.

"That's not fair. I think I'm capable of cooking without burning a thing." He shot me a playfully smug smile and I laughed.

"You don't have a choice." I replied and he didn't argue.

"What's one place that you love the most? The one place that makes you smile?" Lucian asked out of the blue.

I glanced over at him. "Well I love the park. Especially the park here in California. The one next to my parent's house. The trees and the smell of grass makes me happy." I laughed a bit. "Is that weird?"

Lucian shook his head. "Of course not. I have a couple more questions to ask you."

I laughed. "Are you writing an article or something?"

He glanced over at me and grinned. "Something like that."

Malea's POV

I woke up pretty late the next day. I rolled over to Lucian's side and sat up once I realized he wasn't there. I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I knew something was odd about it.

I glanced down to see red rose petals leading from the bed to the dresser. With a small smile, I followed the trail to see a single red rose and a rich red envelope on the dresser.

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