Isabelle {40}

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Lucian's POV

She really is done with me. I thought we would have a chance to sort things out. I frowned down at the text, an unbelievable amount of weight pushing down on me.

There's no point staying here waiting here for Malea when I just got a confirmation that we're officially over. I turned on the car and made my way back home. I'm not giving up. No matter how long it takes, I swear I'll get Malea back.

I turned into my driveway and turned off the car before walking up the driveway to the front door.

I unlocked the door and slipped in. The whole house was dark. Maybe Isabelle's asleep for once. I dropped my keys onto the small table near the door and slipped off my shoes before heading upstairs.

My room door was shut. Quickly, I opened the door and was immediately swamped in darkness. The room smelt of an overly sweet perfume. Unlike Malea's. I frowned. Wait. I flicked on the light and froze.

The pure white sheets on my bed had been replaced with a sultry red color and in the middle of the bed was Isabelle, fast asleep, her blonde hair splayed across the red pillows. What is she doing here?

I glanced to my right and saw heels of different colors lined up against the wall. Her suitcases sat piled in the corner. I crossed the room to where she was, ready to pull her out of my bed and my room when I noticed that she really is asleep.

She yawned and rolled over, her bare back now facing me. Is she naked? I don't want to find out.

I backed away from the bed and left the room, making sure to turn off the light on my way out.

"Where were you?" I stopped before turning back around to face Isabelle. She sat up on the bed and used the red covers to cover her top half.

"Why it your business? My whereabouts are exclusive to myself, family, friends and my partner. Last I checked, you weren't either of those four categories." I snapped.

She grinned, something I wouldn't expect. "But I do fall into one of those categories."

I'm so done with this. "Goodnight."

"Where are you going?" She called frantically after me.

"To bed."

Malea's POV

I woke up to the sound of a knock at my door. I groaned and rolled out of the bed. I realized that I wasn't even wearing anything so I reached for one of the robes the hotel provided, and slipped it on.

Someone knocked again. "Hold on." I called with a roll of my eyes. I unlocked the door. I swallowed when I saw who stood there.

"I brought these for you." Lucian grinned before walking past me and into the hotel room. He placed the breakfast meal onto the table along with the cup of tea. I had no way of knowing what was inside but I assumed Lucian brought me tea because he knows I hate coffee.

I spun around to face him and closed the door. "What are you doing here?" His gaze fell to my exposed chest and I blushed before tightening the robe.

"Bringing you breakfast." He began to unpack the breakfast bag. He turned to face me for a second. "Would you prefer a breakfast sandwich or waffles?"

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