Who Done It?{26}

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Malea's POV

I spun around to see— Myra? She had her honey blonde hair tied in a low chignon, a pair of reflective Gucci sunglasses perched on her head. She shot me a sly smile and walked over to us. My heart pounded wildly. She knew about Lucian and I way before Lucian and Ales filed a divorce. What did she want now?

Once she got to our booth, she pushed me aside so I was pressed up against the window and she took the seat across from Lucian. I pushed her a bit so I had more space to myself.

I didn't know Myra knew Lucian. Lucian smiled widely at Myra, an estatic look in his eyes. "Long time no see, Mi-Mi."  I flinched at the nickname. A pang of jealousy rang through me as I ground my teeth together.

Myra grinned and swatted Lucian playfully. "I know. It's been so long and I was wondering when I would see you." She turned to me and winked. "I actually bumped into Malea outside your work one day. We had an interesting conversation."

Lucian perked up. "Mind sharing?" He asked me.

Myra threw her head back and laughed. "It's a secret." She placed her pointer finger on her lips suggestively as if to say "shh" and grinned.

I cleared my throat and they turned to face me as if they hadn't even noticed I had been there until now. "Lucian, did you use to date Myra also?" I asked, angry with the fact that Myra had overpowered our date at the moment.

Lucian frowned and shook his head in disbelief. "No. Myra's my cousin on my mother's side." Immediately I realized just how stupid I sounded and I felt my face flame up in embarrassment. I felt like curling up in a hole.

Myra hid a smug giggle behind her hands.

"My mother has a sister who gave birth to Myra and ever since we were kids we never went anywhere without each other." Lucian finished, taking my hand in his in reassurance.

Myra winked. "Not even the bathroom."

Ew. Lucian flustered in embarrassment. "No. We were like 2 years old and we took baths together but there wasn't much we could do about that.." He trailed on, his neck flaming red. "Anyway, later on we lost contact and now here she is!"

Myra squealed. "Here I am!" She turned to me then. "How's Ales? I cannot believe that you and Lucian started dating right after that huge divorce fiasco on TV! That's a little heartless if you ask me. I mean in a weeks time after Lucian announced the divorce, Malea's already all over him."

I gulped. I opened my mouth to say something to defend myself but nothing came out. It did seem really heartless of me to begin dating someone my best friend just divorced. The waiter gave me my tall glass of lemonade and Lucian's coke and walked away.

"And to think that Ales is perfectly fine with it kind of baffles me! If I was her I wouldn't let something like that slide. Especially if my best friend did that to me. I mean—" Myra babbled, only making me realize how much of a crap friend I am.

"That's enough, Myra." Lucian said harshly, giving my hand another reassuring squeeze.

"Have you at least spoken to her?" She inquired with a raised eyebrow at me.

I nodded. "Of course. We spoke this morning—"

"So you and Lucian are officially dating?" Myra cut me off. She leaned over and took Lucian's tall glass of coke and took a long gulp, her mauve lips wrapped around the straw over-suggestively. I clenched my free hand in frustration. Who does she think she is?

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