Deal {2}

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"What did he say?" I asked, folding the rag in my hand just to keep my hands busy. I honestly could care less about this dude, but as long as he leaves me a Benjamin for tip, I'm good.

"He said I have to get married in under a month or else I'll never work in the Enterprise again. Basically meaning, I'll be fired and would have to be poor."
He spat with animosity.

"Woah. That's some heavy crap." I replied. The music had changed to an electro pop that sounded as if rusted metal gears were grinding against each other. Who would actually want to dance to this?

"I know. I just don't know how I'm going to find a wife al-" When he stopped mid-word, I snapped my attention back to him and not on the crappy music.

"Hmm? You were saying?" I scanned his face. All sharp angles and smooth planes. Stubble lined his chin and gave him a rough appearance. But his eyes. They were a gray almost the color of a blank sheet of paper. Almost. But not quite. Little flecks of violet spiraled around his pupil.

He pointed to himself, then to me.

He better not be thinking what I'm thinking.

"Let's make a deal-." He began.

"No freaking way. Never."

"Come on Malea. Just hear me out-"

"I said. No. Way."

"Am I really that repulsive?" He asked, running his hands through his hair. He did that a lot. He wasn't repulsive. He was far from it and he knew so too. He was the most handsome man I've ever seen but has the worst personality.

"I don't want to hear it, Suit and Tie."

"Please. I could make you my assistant. I could pay you more than you'd possibly imagine."

I froze. I could use the money. I literally have one week until my electricity turns off. "I wouldn't stoop that low."

He looked at me, totally exasperated. "Do you really think you could stoop lower than your current job?"

Ok then. "Well that hurt." I pushed out my bottom lip in a pout.

"Please. Consider it." He fixed his icy eyes on me 

"Well, I like my job." I blurted. A lie.

He nodded dubiously. "Yeah. Sure. You love serving drunk imbeciles liquor and you love making less than 5 dollars an hour."

I hesitated. Then sighed. "What would I have to do?"

"Marry me."

That was when I began laughing. Laughing so hard, my stomach hurt and few people walking by gave me weird looks. "I never knew you could be funny, Suit and Tie."

"Stop calling me Suit and Tie and just call me Lucian." He replied, obviously agitated. "It's not like I have anyone better to ask."

I froze. "I won't marry you, but I do know someone who would do it willingly." I said after a minute.

"Who?" He grabbed my hands but then pulled back suddenly as if my hands were a burning flame.

"My best friend. Alesandra. She's basically had a crush on you since she was 16 and she even talks about being engaged to you. " I croaked. She was an odd person. "She basically knows everything about you." I rolled my eyes. Alesandra was probably going to call me crazy once I told her this.

He looked uncomfortable as he scratched his neck awkwardly. "That's kinda much, don't ya think?"

I shrugged. "Guess so."

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