I'm Already Dying{31}

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Lucian's POV

"You found her?"

"Yes, but if we want to be able to get to her before anything happens—"

"Let's go now and bring the police to the location. We're going to need them." I hung up on my PI and rushed out to my car. I'm coming to get you Malea. Hang tight.

Malea's POV

A kick in my side was what woke me out of my unconscious state. I looked around me and reached up to wipe my eyes only to find that they were bound together behind my back by zip ties. My charm bracelet is gone.

I was sitting on a wooden chair, my feet were tied to the chair with rope and around my mouth was a gag. Elaine sat the same way as I am except she's still unconscious.

The pounding of feet resonated and then Ales, Myra and Winter walked inside. "I've decided how to do this." Ales said, flipping a blade in her hand. I strained against the gag.

"I want to make you suffer. As much as you've made me suffer." And suddenly she was in front of me. Her blade glinted as she made an incision in my leg through my jeans. I screamed into the gag but she still continued to drag the blade down my leg, causing blood the bubble up and color the jeans.

I swallowed and looked up at her with pleading eyes. She only went over to my arm and made a quick, harsh cut. I screamed. I'm going to die here.

Ales retracted her knife at the last moment. "Ben. Get in here and finish her off. Once she's dead, take care of Elaine." And then she took seats in the corner. Who's Ben? Just as I asked myself the question, a burly man with red hair walked in. He had a large butcher knife in his hand and in the other was a bottle of water, the color was pale blue and resembled water.

I felt tears trickle down my cheeks as I stared at him come closer to me. I'm going to die. He knelt down in front of me and grinned sadistically.

"You either drink this, or I take a cut at you for everytime you say no." He pulled the gag out of my mouth and I found myself breathing harder, my heart speeding up as I realized that I would die here.

"What's in the bottle?" I asked.

"Poison. Drink it and you'll slowly die from the insides out but refuse and you'll easily die by my knife in a slow painful process." He spun the knife around his finger. "What do you say?"

I glanced over at Elaine who was wide awake now, her eyes bulging with strain.

"Neither." I spoke out through my tears. I cried out in pain as he took out a small knife and stuck it in my leg, the hilt protruding from my leg.

"Let's try again. Drink it or I kill you myself."

"No—please–" I was cut off by another knife embedding itself in my leg, a pain like none other lancing itself up my leg. My head began to feel dizzy.

"Drink it or I kill you myself." He stated again. I was blubbering in tears and blood and I guess I was taking too long to answer because Ben stuck another knife in my leg, this time harder than before. I shouted, my screams ripping my throat raw and the sound enough to make me deaf.

I knew I couldn't refuse. "I'll drink it." I slurred. Ben smiled sadistically and unscrewed the cap on the bottle. I'm going to die .

He cupped my face in his hands and pursed my lips so the water would have to go through.

I'm going to die.

And then he began pouring the liquid in my mouth. I could hear Elaine's screams of protest. It smelt like bitter almonds. The poison tasted acrid and a burning sensation spread across my tongue. I hate how heavy my tongue felt.

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