Realtionships Are Not My Forte {15}

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Malea's POV
I finished the last of my drink and allowed the waiter to refill it before I turned my attention to the salad in front of me. "Levi. I didn't order salad." I don't know about anyone else, but I don't enjoy eating leaves and cheese.

Levi slid a wrapped package of utensils to me and smiles, his elbows propped on the table. "I ordered it for you."

I frowned. "Levi, I don't eat salad. I'd rather order something else."

Levi stared at me for several moments, a look of almost dissapointment on his face before he smiled again. "Alright. Order away."

I ordered a hamburger and fries and watched Levi out of the corner of my eye as I ate. He didn't touch his soup but instead watched how I ate with a tedious eye.

The door of the restaurant opened and a woman with dyed silver-blue hair entered and instantly, I remembered by the facial features. Gina Wright. She had a pair of Gucci sunglasses perched on her head, acting like a headband and her lips were coated with a heavy layer of red lipstick, making her appear like an 80's model. Without a glance at our table, Gina made her way to a table in her 5 inch stilettos and motioned a waiter over.

I noticed Levi and every other person in the restaurant gaping at her, his neck flushing with nervousness. "That's Gina, right?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

As if he was in a trance, Levi turned back to me and his smile disappeared. "Ah–yes. That is Gina."

I nodded, sizing her up. Her freckled skin looked creamy and pale in the blazing heat, yet it remained unblemished and smooth. She had on a nude colored bodycon dress that reached her calves, pinkish-nude strappy stilletos, and a black blazer hanging loosely on her shoulders. She gave off an edgy, careless vibe.

She must have noticed us staring because she waved, her infinity tattoo winking at us with each motion of her wrist. Suddenly, she began walking towards us and as she did, everyone's attention turned to us. I even saw the flash of a picture.

"Levi. How nice to see you here." She smiled pleasantly, her English accent rounding out her words. Gina leaned down and European kissed both his cheeks and did the same to me. "You're Malea right? The lucky one dating Levi again?"

How did she know? Again? "Yes I am. You're Gina." I said as more of a statement than a question.

Gina laughed. "So Levi, how's Myra?" She asked, her eyebrows raised slyly.

Levi paled slightly. "She's fine." Who's Myra?

I watched as Gina slid into the booth next to Levi. I set my half eaten burger down. I think I lost my appetite.

Gina turned to Levi again and spoke slowly. "Myra seemed like a catch. I mean she had blonde hair, a great body and Levi, you said you liked her." She turned to Levi who sat with his jaw clenched. "How could you let Myra go, Levi?"

I put 2 and 2 together. Myra was his last girlfriend. I crumpled the napkin in my hand, giving Gina the reaction she wanted as she faked surprise. "Oh, shit. Levi. You didn't tell Malea about Myra? I thought everyone knew that." She stood up and flicked on her sunglasses with a snide smirk and waved. "I'll see you guys around." Then as if she'd only come here to say these things, she turned and left.

"Malea. Listen to me." He reached over and tried to take hold of my hands but I shrugged off his touch. "Gina made up everything she just said. I already told you Gina was my girlfriend before Myra. She's jealous. Please, love, don't take what she said to heart."

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