28: Hogwarts House

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Teddy: Gryffindor
Teddy looked up to his dad, a war veteran, so it's only natural that he'd value bravery.

Gordie: Ravenclaw
Come on, Gordie's smart. Yeah, he loves his friends, but his stories and schooling got him through life.

Chris: Hufflepuff
Chris only has his friends, so it makes sense that he's loyal and accepting.

Vern: Gryffindor
Everyone thought of Vern as a big baby, and that can take a lot out of a person's confidence. He thought of bravery as a ticket into fitting in. (😢)

I just finished reading the last HP book last week, and I just don't feel done with the series. It doesn't feel over. Uggghhh. I hate when that happens to me.

Anyway, what house are y'all in? I'm Hufflepuff and very very proud of it. My friend argued with me and said I was more Ravenclaw, which is my second. I just told her no because, no offense to Ravenclaws, I feel like most of that house is really uppity, with the exception of Luna and maybe Cho (but I didn't really care for her anyway so...).

Sorry about the tangent. I just love Harry Potter so much. I mean, we were sorting my classmates/choosing which characters they'd be. I kid you not. We haven't figured out who I am. Oh well. M'kay.


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