37: Chris Imagine

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Requested by ben-solo
Based on "Lose It" by Oh Wonder

Parties. Loud music. Dim lights. That's all that you knew right now. The music was pounding through your body. Through your bones.

You made eye contact with him from where you stood, not but 10 feet away. He seemed to have only taken two steps when he reached you.

His hands on your hips, yours in the air, you two danced. Pressed close to this person you hardly recognized, but your body reacted to his touch like it had known it for years.

You released any reservations you had about anything at that moment. You just lost it.

You danced for hours. Your movements in sync with each other's and the music, and the feelings were high. You wished for the music to never stop.

Hours without speaking but your eyes stayed connected to his for more or less the entire time. Even in the less-than-adequate lighting, you could tell his eyes were somewhere between blue and green.

You never caught his name, but the feeling he gave you was too much to forget. He just made you lose it.

Sorry it was so short and it took me so long to write. I ha never heard of this son before so i had to look up the lyrics and then I actually listened to it today. I hope this is what you were wanting. M'kay.


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