135:Teddy Imagine for @rockysara1

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For rockysara1

"Just leave me alone, okay?" You tried to walk past the bullies standing in front of you, but they only blocked your way.

"Where're your boyfriends at? Huh, Sara?" One of them taunted, referring to your friends.

You rolled your eyes. "I'm serious. Please-" you tried pushing past them, but one of them shoved you back.

That seemed to set off something for them because the three of them started laughing and pushing at you more. You tried to fend off their hands, but it was too much for you.

"Stop it!" You pleaded.

"Aw, you poor baby!"

"Cry, why don't you?"

They laughed some more.

Just then one of the jerks was on the ground.

"Teddy!" You exclaimed, relieved for the help.

Teddy was soon punching the kid, and just when that kid had had enough, Teddy jumped up and socked another one square in the jaw.

This gave you a moment to kick the remaining bully in the knee, bringing him down.

You saw the chance and grabbed Teddy's arm and ran away. You two made it back to the treehouse.

You two stood there, panting from the run. You looked over at Teddy, and it was like seeing him for the first time. He seemed different to you.

It was weird. You had known him practically your whole life, and you- you weren't sure what it was you were feeling.

"Are you okay, Sara?" Teddy finally asked, looking concerned.

Your thoughts were interrupted. "Huh? Yeah. Just shaken up, that's all." You looked at him seriously. "Thank you, Teddy."

He smiled. "No problem. I saw them messing with you, and I couldn't just walk by. I don't know why, but I just got really mad."

You weren't sure why you did what you did, but you did it anyway. You leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek.

He looked surprised, but he didn't recoil from you. "What was that for?"

You shrugged. "I don't know. For saving me, I guess."

That was the moment you fell in love with Teddy Duchamp.

...I'm sorry this probably sucks butt. I hope this is kinda what you were wanting. Thank you for requesting! M'kay.


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