91:Chris Imagine for @ViketteGirl

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For ViketteGirl

"I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore," Chris told you. He looked nervous.

"Excuse me?" You were kind of mad. He came over just to break up with you? That didn't make any sense. "You don't want me to be your girlfriend anymore?"

"Please don't get ma-"

"No, Chris! I will get mad," you interrupted. "Yesterday, you tell me you love me and then today you come to my house to break up with me. How can I not be upset."

He stood up. "I know this sounds bad, but please just trust me. Meet me at the old treehouse in two hours."

You didn't reply. You didn't even look at him until he left.

You debated whether to go or not for half an hour before deciding that you should go. Your curiosity had won out.

You got ready, trying on 6 different outfits before deciding on something simple. You grabbed a sweater and slipped it on before leaving the house.

You drove to the place where the old treehouse still stood. It looked shabby, but it held so many memories for you. It was where you and Chris had had your first kiss.

He stood there under the treehouse, dressed up in a suit. He looked nervous as hell, but when he saw you step out of your car, you could see relief wash over him.

"What do you want, Chris?" you asked before he could try anything.

He bit his lip and looked down. He looked back up at you, looking nervous again. "Look, Ashley, I know it seemed like I was breaking up with you, but-"

"Seemed like? You did break up with me," you interrupted.

He sighed and put his hand in his pocket, pulling something out.

As he lowered himself onto one knee, you gasped, covering your mouth with one hand. "Chris.. What are you..." You felt tears brim your eyes.

"Ashley, I said I didn't want you to be my girlfriend anymore, and that's true." He held up a small velvet box and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. "I want you to be so much more because you are so much more to me. I want you to be my wife."

You slowly lowered your hand from your mouth and nodded an emphatic yes. "Oh Chris.." He slipped the ring onto your hand.

He stood up and smiled down to you, as he towered over your 5'2" stature. He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear before leaning down and kissing you.

When he pulled away, you smiled at him. Then you smacked him on the arm. "Never pull anything like that again, or else you'll be dead."

Chris just laughed as he rubbed his arm where you had hit him. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Chambers." He smiled as he pecked your lips.

You just rolled you eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling into another kiss.

Ik ik late once again but I had midterms this past week and could not focus much on writing. But it's over now, and we're on break but I'm going to my mom's tomorrow for two weeks and idk how much wifi time I'll get. I'll try to write as much as I can and update when I have connection. M'kay.


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