137:Gordie Imagine for @jazmyne_2004

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For jazmyne_2004

"You're stupid!"

"Yeah, well you're mean!"

Chris came between you and Gordie. "Guys, guys. Come on now."

"She started it!" Gordie insisted.

You glared at him. "Well, I wouldn't have 'started' it if you hadn't acted completely stupid."

Chris and Teddy exchanged looks.

"You two are absolute children," Teddy laughed.

"Yeah, you're both friends with all of us, so why can't you be friends with each other?" Vern asked.

"I can't be friends with a jerk." You turned your nose up and walked away, your curly brown hair swaying behind you.

"And I can't be friends with an irrational little girl!" Gordie called after you before crossing his arms across his chest.

You turned around, a falsely offended look on your face. "Oh no! That hurt so much!" You rolled your eyes and kept going.

Vern ran after you, while Chris and Teddy stayed with Gordie.

You glanced at Vern, sighing. "What?"

He shook his head. "Nothing."

"Then why are you following me?"

"Because I think you should go back and talk to Gordie."

You looked at him, confused. "Why?" The nervous look must have given away something to him because all he did was smile.

//The Next Week//

You opened your locker just as Chris and Vern came up to you.

"Hey guys," you greeted, getting your things from your locker.

"Jazmyne, we have to have an emergency meeting in the treehouse after school, okay?"

"Okay then," you replied, wondering why an 'emergency meeting' would be needed.

After school, you walked straight to the treehouse. You were going to walk with Vern, but he said he had to talk to a teacher and would meet you there.

You figured you were the first one there, so you went straight into the treehouse. To your, and his, surprise, Gordie was sitting up there.

"Jesus, you scared me," he exclaimed.

You laughed nervously. You two weren't alone often, due to your mutual dislike for each other, so you weren't sure how to act.

"Yeah, well, you kinda scared me too," you replied, sitting in the opposite corner of the treehouse. "And my name is Jazmyne, not Jesus."

He shook his head, looking amused. "Right."

You noticed the book in his hands. "Oh, I love that book."

He glanced at it. "Oh yeah, I, uh, started it a few days ago, and it's pretty good so far."

"It's one of my absolute favorites. I didn't know you were into those kinds of stories though."

He cocked an eyebrow. "What? The good kind?"

You rolled your eyes, while adjusting your glasses. "I meant the genre, you idiot, but who's your favorite character so far?"

You two spent the next two hours discussing various aspects of the book. You were both surprised to find that you didn't once call each other a mean name or make fun of one another. If both of you were honest, you'd have even said you were starting to like each other.

"Gee, what time is it?" Gordie asked, looking down at his watch. "Damn, it's almost 7. I have to get home."

You jumped up. "Me too." Once you two had made it back out of the treehouse, you frowned. "Weren't the guys supposed to show up?"

Gordie nodded. "Yeah. I wonder whatever happened to them."

You shrugged. "I dunno. I should be heading home now, I guess."

"Yeah me too.." He turned to walk away but turned back to you. "Um, Jazmyne, I know we don't normally get along, but I just had to say that I really enjoyed this afternoon, and.." He bit his lip. "Do you wanna go out sometime?"

You smiled shyly. "That sounds great."

"Oh, and I should tell you, I think the guys planned this."

You cocked your head to the side, questioningly. "How come?"

He held up the book you two had bonded over. "Chris gave me this book last week and told me to read it."

I hope you like it! And I AM SO SO SORRY THAT I took forever writing it! Please forgive me! Thank your for requesting! M'kay.


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