111:Ace Imagine for @greasyhoods

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For greasyhoods

"Hey!" A voice called out. But you didn't pay any mind until you heard your name. "Hey! Veronica!"

You turned to see Chris Chambers running up to you. He was a good friend of yours. "Hey, Chris!"

He stopped in front of you, bent over, hands on his knees, panting. "Wooo.. you are a fast walker." He looked up at you with a smile.

You laughed. "Sorry. I'll try to work on that," you replied sarcastically. You both laughed, and Chris straightened up.

You two continued walking, together this time, and discussing various things from teachers to food to homework.

Coming out the store you two were about to walk by was Ace Merrill and Chris's brother Eyeball. You would never admit it to Chris verbally, but you sort of liked Ace. You couldn't figure out why, but you did.

As the four of you came face to face, you tucked a few stands of your long hair behind your ear. You glanced at Chris, who had noticeably tensed. He and Ace didn't get along, and even that was a horrible understatement.

"Just let us through," Chris demanded, breaking the intense silence.

Ace looked between you and Chris, glaring at the blond boy. "You gotta a problem, kid?"

"Hope not," he replied as calmly as he could.

Ace looked at you, his look softening a little, but he spoke to Chris again. "Good because I wouldn't want to beat you up in front of such a pretty lady." He winked at you.

You couldn't help but blush. "You think I'm pretty?" You tucked a piece of your long hair behind your ear.

At the same time, Chris stood a little closer to you, most likely to 'protect' you from Ace.

You noticed something flash through Ace's expression as he saw Chris so close to you. Anger? Maybe.

"You her bodyguard now?" Ace looked kind of ticked off now, and you weren't sure if it was just from Chris. "Veronica, I wanted to talk to you."

You turned to your friend. "Chris, I'll be fine. How about you go on? I'll catch up with you later."

Chris looked skeptically at Ace before turning back to you, nodding. "Okay. Fine."

He walked past the older guys, purposefully bumping into his brother, who had just been standing there.

Ace gave Eyeball a look, which lead to him excusing himself to get some food. Ace was about speak, but you cut him off before he could start.

"Why were you so hostile around Chris?" You knew they didn't like each other, but they hadn't had issues like that for a while.

He had an unreadable expression. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"'I don't know what you're talking about,'" you mimicked. "Yeah, and the sun is purple. What's up, Ace?"

He looked down at you for a while before letting out sigh. "Are you and him together or soemthing? Because he acts like he's your boyfriend or something."

You cocked an eyebrow. "Were you jealous?"

He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Don't flatter yourself, girly."

You just smiled. "Oh, okay. I just don't see why it would bother you so much." You both took there for a second. "Well, you know, I should probably go find Chris." You started to walk past him, but he put his arm out, stopping you.

"Wait." He pulled you back in front of him. "Veronica, I like you okay. I might've been a little jealous of that stupid kid."

You beamed at his confession. Instead of saying anything else, you stood on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

I hope you like it! I'm sorry for the wait, but I had to rewrite part of it bc I couldn't get it in the right direction. But here it is. Thank you for requesting. M'kay.


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