125:the Boys (??) Imagine

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I wasn't sure what to name it, but you'll get it once you read it. BSM.
Requested by 80strxshcan

You stood in your brother's doorway, your arms crossed across your chest. "I wanna play dress up, Teddy."

"No, Y/n," he refused. "The guys are coming in a little while, and you can play by yourself." He glanced at you again, taking note of the tilted tiara on your head and the puffy, sparkly dress you were wearing. "And it looks like you've already dressed up."

You pouted. "I want you to play with me!" You stomped your foot.

He rolled his eyes, pushing up his glasses. "I guess I have a little time before they get here."

You jumped, a big smile on your face. "Yay! Now come on." You ran to him, tugging on his arm and pulling him into your room. You ran to your box of dress up things, looking for something he could wear.

He stood there tapping his foot while you pulled out a bright pink tutu and a feather boa.

"Put them on," you demanded.

He looked at them. "No," he deadpanned.

You bared your teeth, furrowing your eyebrows in a menacing glare. "Put. Them. On. Now." Then you lightened up your expression. "Or else I'll tell Mommy that you hit me."

He narrowed his eyes at you behind his glasses. "You can be a real child sometimes," he grumbled as he pulled the tutu up over his jeans.

You gave him a falsely sweet smile. "I am a child, Teddy. I'm only 5."

"Yeah yeah." He knelt down to let you wrap the boa around his neck.

"Nice skirt, Teddy."

He whipped around to see Chris, Vern, and Gordie standing just outside your bedroom laughing their butts off.

You frowned at them. "What are you laughing at? Come in here, now!"

The three boys stopped laughing, standing there looking at each other.

Teddy trying not to laugh this time. "You heard her, get in here."

After a second, Vern, Gordie, and Chris walked into your room and stood around you.

You dug through the box some more, pulling out more dress up clothes. You handed Chris an old blouse of your mom's, Gordie a colorful dress, and Vern the purple match to the pink tutu Teddy was wearing. "Put them on."

Vern scrunched his nose as he pulled the tutu up. "Jeez, Teddy. When did your little sister get so bossy?"

You narrowed your eyes at Vern. "I heard that."

Once the boys were.. dressed, you smiled. "Now, I'm gonna get the makeup."

The boys all looked at each other with wide eyes. "No!"

I hope this was alright. I really liked the idea, and I hope I did it justice. Thank you for requesting. M'kay.


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