54:Gordie Imagine for @bellapiccirillo

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For bellapiccirillo

Tears pricked your eyes and flowed down your cheeks and the bridge of your nose. "I'm going to miss you so."

Your boyfriend, Gordie, nodded and pulled you into his chest to let you cry. "I know, Bella. I know, but think about it. We'll only be 5 hours from each other, so we'll be able to see each other on the weekends. How does that sound?"

It was nearing the end of your senior year of high school, an you two had finally decided what colleges you would be attending the following fall. You would be going to the state co-ed university while Gordie, on insistence of his dad, was going to an all-boys' college a couple towns over. His dad ha said that had been where Denny had would have been going, so Gordie felt obligated to go.

"But it won't be the same, Gordie. I won't get to walk over and tell you how my day was or let you in my window at three am when you need to talk. It'll be different," you sobbed.

He rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head. You felt a couple tears land in your hair and knew he was crying too.

You looked up at him. "I love you, Gordie." That had been the very first time you had ever said it to him, but you knew with all your heart you meant it.

He mustered a smile and kissed you. "I love you too, Bella. Trust me, I love you more than anything else."

"Even Chris?" you joked, wiping the tears from your face then his.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes. I love you more than Chris, but don't tell him. He might get jealous." You both laughed.

You looked at Gordie. This boy that you loved so much and that you would be apart from for longer than you ever wanted to be. Being with him right then, you knew that he really did love you and would do whatever it took to be with you.

I hope you like it! I almost made it to where you would go to an all girls' college bc someone suggested I go to one when the time comes but I was like nah (to the suggestion and to using it). Thank you so much for requesting! M'kay.


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